Chapter 38

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We got home late last night from the hospital. So I woke up the morning feeling like I hadn't slept in days. But I had to get up. Caroline last night told me before she left that she was coming over to plan for the wedding. I rolled out of bed and stumbled my way to the bathroom. I hear. "Holy hell Grace you scared me." It was Stefan. The whole bathroom was fogged up from his morning shower.
"Sorry." I laughed. "But good morning."
  "Morning." He pauses. "I'm going to get dressed."
  "Honestly I think you should just walk around like that." I laugh.
  "I'm sure you would like but I don't think everyone else would." He said walking into the bedroom. I followed. We both got dressed and walked down stairs. Caroline was already making her self at home. Stefan walked on into the kitchen.
  "Hey!" She said in her chipper voice.
  "Hey Caroline." I said.
  "Ready to get you plan on?" She ask.
  "Not really." I laugh. "I mean where do you even start?"
  "Well let's start out simple and easy, what colors do you want?"
  "Well I was thinking greys. Like lighter grey and darker grey."
  "Those will look great together!" She started writing it down on her notebook. That notebook had to have had every event she planned. Even a tea party when she was like four, it had to be in there.
  "Okay next would be the venue. Where would you like to have it at?"
  "Umm I'm not really sure."
  "What about the backyard?" I turn around to face the voice that was talking. It was Damon. "Well not really the back yard but in the woods area. There is a nice little spot back there that I think would be perfect for you Buffy." He smirks. "And sorry I couldn't help but listen in."
  "I'm no longer Buffy Damon." I smirked back.
  "Give me time I'll have to think of a new one." He said as he walked off into the kitchen.
  " I do like his idea though. It's perfect in the evenings right before the sun starts to set. It's really pretty."
  "If you like it. I like it." She wrote it all down in her notebook.
  After a good hour of wedding talk we stop and just start to gossip. We talk about the normal girl things we all talk about when we are together.
  "I got it!" Damon said rushing back into the living room. "Dammit! It won't work." He storms back off down the hall. Me and Caroline laugh and continue our conversation.
  "So just out of Curiosity have you talk to Elena since you and Sam have been together? Btw this is a judgment free zone." I laughed.
  "No I haven't." She paused. "Wait I talked to her once on the phone right when me and Sam got together. But she wouldn't stop talking about how Stefan left her for you. I got fed up with it and hung up on her. She just kept on and on and on." She laughed.
  "I was just wondering. I had t even have her much thought since the Dean vampire thing and Abby and Klaus thing."
  "Same here actually." She said.
  A few minutes later the front door creeps open. It was Dean Abby with the babies. Each of them had a car seat and a bag full of stuff. "Hey guys!" Abby said. Me and Caroline ran up to them each grabbing a car seat. I grabbed Charlie form Dean.
  "Hey little Charlie." I said. I look up at Dean and Abby looking at me like really. "Oh and you guys too." We laughed. I carried the car seat over and sat it one the couch. I unbuckled Charlie and gently picked her up. She squirmed around and got a little fussy but nothing I can't handle.
  I sit down on the couch and get her calmed down. Dean and Abby hovered over me and Caroline both. "You know guys we can handle this." I said.
  "Yeah you guys go get some rest. You two are going to need it with these two stinkers." Caroline said.
  "No you guys you don't have to do this. It's fine." Abby said.
  "Yeah guys we can do it." Dean said.
  "Dean Abby go away. We got it. It's nothing we can't handle." I said.
  "Are you sure?" Abby asked.
  "Yes go." Caroline said.
  "Well if you insist." He and Dean both vamp sped away. I hear her bed room door shut. I hear both of them crash down on the bed.
A few minutes later Stefan came back into the living room. "Say hey Unkie Stef!" I said readjusted her in my arms.
"Well look who decided to come home today." He sat down on the couch. He held out his arms motioning he wanted to hold her. I handed her over. He cradled her in his arms. "So did you girls get your planning done?" He asked.
"We sure did. Now it's all up to Caroline." I said.
"Thanks you Caroline for helping us." Stefan said.
"No problem." She smiled.
A few minutes afterwards I hear Damon whistling down the hall. He walked into the living room. "Well look what the cat drug in." He said in his normal snarky tone.
"Damon I'm glad you are here. Can you take Branson while I go to the little girls room?"
"Um yeah sure." She handed Branson over to Damon. He sat down on the couch. He held him so awkwardly. I laughed. Stefan looked up from Charlie and looked over at Damon.
"Damon hold him in close to you." He chuckled.
"Shut up I got this." Damon pulled in Branson closer. I thought to my self man I wish Branson wish cry. I giggled.
Stefan leaned over and whispered. "I'm pretty sure we at both thinking the same thing right now."
"If it's the wishing Branson would cry and we could watch Damon squirm then yes, yes we are." I giggled. "Only if Branson knew me as good as you."
"Yeah if only." We leaned in gave each other a short sweet kiss. When our lips touched for a second time Charlie started to laugh. Me and Stefan both pulled away and looked down at her.
"What are you laughing at Ms Charlie?" I said in my baby voice. You know that voice we only use to talk to babies or pets.
Later that night we all sat around the table and had dinner. We had one of my favorites, spaghetti and meatballs with garlic knots. We sat around like one big happy family while playing pass the babies.

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