63: Back on tour!

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I'm baaaaaack

*Victoria's POV*

"Victoria, wake up," I heard Josh say as light entered my dark room.

I groaned and rolled over to face the wall. He chuckled.

"Come on, we've gotta go on the bus." He said, pulling the blanket off my body. The cold air hit my skin and I shivered.

"What time is it?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"5:30." He replied. I groaned again. "I've got a surprise for you downstairs."

My eyes opened and I looked at him. "A surprise?" I asked. He nodded.

I sat up and stepped onto the floor. Josh walked out of my room and I pulled on some sweatpants and a black tank top. I left my hair down. I walked out of my room and skipped down the hallway and down the steps.

I looked up and saw... A PUPPY?!?

"Josh, why is there a puppy in the house?!" I squealed.

"It's for you!" He announced. I saw the other guys holding cameras in my peripheral vision. Oh great. They're recording me.

I walked slowly over to the little black lab puppy and pet it's head.

"What's it's name?" I asked, looking up at Josh.

He shrugged. "You get to choose."

"Is it a girl or a boy?"

"A girl," he replied.

I thought. "Bennie."

"That was quick," Matt chuckled.

"Yeah, where'd you think of that?" Ian asked.

"I dunno... First thing came to mind when I looked at her." I smiled at the puppy. She let out a little bark, making me laugh.

"I think she approves," Mike chuckles.

Then I remembered something. "Wait, where is she gonna go while we're on tour?"

"She's gonna come with us." Josh replied.

I smiled. "YAY!!!!" I started jumping around. "This is the best present ever, thank you!" I ran toward Josh and wrapped my arms around his waist. He laughed and hugged me back.

I then proceeded to hug the rest of the guys, and then the bus arrived. Josh picked up my suitcase and brought it to the bus, I was holding Bennie. She was so small!

"Josh?" I asked from the front door.

"Yeah?" He asked as he lifted up another bag.

"How old is Bennie?" I asked.

"7 weeks," he replied and brought the bag to the bus.

Once we got on the bus, I ended up falling asleep on the couch with Bennie in my arms. When I finally woke up again, I kept my eyes closed and listened. I heard the guys talking.

"She's so beautiful," I heard Josh say, making me want to smile.

"Have you told her yet?" Mike said. Told me what?

"Nope," Josh said.

"I'm sure she'd love to do it, she's into that kind of stuff." Ian said.

"I'll ask her about it when she wakes up," Josh said. I felt like this was a good time to actually wake up.

My eyes fluttered open and I was met with a face full of black fur. I lifted my head and yawned, rubbing my eyes with my hand.

"Good morning," Josh chuckled.

I smiled. "What time is it?"

"10:30." He replied. I nodded, looking down at a sleeping Bennie.

Josh got me some peanut butter toast and a glass of apple juice. I thanked him and started eating. Bennie woke up to the smell of food and looked at me with pleading eyes. I chuckled and ripped a corner off the bread. She gratefully took it from my hand and ate it.

A few hours passed and we arrived at the stadium where the first concert was. We got off the bus and walked inside. I, of course, took Bennie with me, attached to a pink leash with skulls on it that Josh gave me earlier. She happily trotted along beside me, making me chuckle.

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