18: Creepy Cashiers

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*Victoria's POV*

After breakfast, which was toast, we all just sat on the couches again. Mostly waiting for the next stop, which should be in about forty minutes.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I announced, standing up.

Josh grabbed my wrist and I looked back at him confused.

"You're not gonna eat more candy again, are you?" He chuckled.

I laughed. "No, I have to release my liquids."

He made a disgusted face. "Ewww,"

I shrugged. "You shouldn't have questioned me,"

He let go of my wrist. "Aaaand next time I won't,"

I laughed and rolled my eyes, walking towards the small bathroom. After I was done with my "business", I felt something move in my stomach. Oh shit.

I turned back around and fell to my knees, leaning over the side of the toilet. And it didn't take a second before I was throwing my guts up.

"Why now?" I whispered to myself. Why while we're on tour?! Now I'm really going to get in the way. Now he's surely going to send me back!

"Victoria, you okay?" I heard Josh ask from the couch.

"Ugh... Yeah I'm fine," I lied.
Then I leaned over again, and threw up, over and over and over again.

Five minutes passed of me just kind of freaking out and figuring out what I was going to do next.

"Victoria, are you sure you're okay? You've been in there for like eight minutes." Josh said, now obviously outside the bathroom door.

"I'm fine!" I yelled, getting frustrated. Can't he just get that I'm fine?!

I sighed and hit myself in the forehead with my palm. Of course he won't, because I'm not fine!

I sighed and fell backwards, leaning against the wall in front of the toilet.

"Hey Josh..." I said so quietly, I would be surprised if he heard me.

"Yeah?" He said, still outside the door.

"Can... Can you c-come in?" I stuttered, feeling quite weak after what had just happened.

I stared at my hands, and heard him twist the doorknob. He appeared in the doorway and then walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

"What's wrong?" He asked, quickly crouching down in front of me, placing his hands on my knees. He obviously saw how pale I now was.

I was too weak to even say anything, i'd thrown up a lot. I just pointed to the toilet and he looked back at me with fear.

"No, I am not pregnant." I chuckled lightly.

Josh picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the bathroom, he laid me on the couch and we drove to the nearest gas station.
We arrived at the gas station, and I stood up off the couch. Josh said that he would go in with me, but I didn't want him to. He gave me 20$ and I went in alone.

When I opened the door, it made a ding. The man at the cash smiled at me and I returned it, walking through the isles. I looked for the best looking kind of stomach medicine stuff that I could find, after all, it was a gas station.

I finally found some and it was $9.99. I walked back over to the cash, and handed the guy the medicine.

He smiled awkwardly at me and I did the same. He ran the price tag across the scanner thingy, and it made a beep. I handed him my $20 dollar bill and he handed me back my change, swiftly rubbing his hand across mine.

I quickly took my hand away, shoving the change in my hoodie pocket.

"Erm, could I just have my bag please?" I asked uncomfortably.

"You're a cute little thang aren't ya'," the guy said.

I made a face. "You're like twenty-five."

"Age is just a number," he said, touching my other hand that was resting on the edge of the counter.

I pulled it away and he looked at me. "Don't be so stressed out," he slurred.

I swallowed. "Give me my bag so I can leave, then you can go back to the bar and fuck all of the prostitutes there." I smiled evilly.

"Oh honey, I don't want them. All I want is you." He started leaning forward, I slapped him and he pulled back, holding his cheek with a hand. He smiled at me again.

"Feisty," he said. I was disgusted.

I tried to grab my bag from behind the desk, but he grabbed my wrist tightly. There was no doubt in my mind that he had drank at least four beers today.

"Let go of me!" I screamed at him. He didn't let go and tried to pull me over the desk. I tucked my foot in a nook in the desk, keeping myself on the opposite side of it.

After a few seconds, my foot slipped and he pulled my on top of the desk. I started screaming and hitting his arm with my free hand.

All of a sudden, Josh ran at him and tackled him to the floor. My eyes widened because didn't hear him come in, probably because I was screaming so loudly.

"You fucking touch my daughter again and I'll kill you!" Josh yelled at him, punching him in the face multiple times.

"I'll," *punch* "fucking" *punch* "kill you!" *punch*.

After the cashier was almost unconscious, Josh ran around to the other side of the desk and picked me up off of it. I didn't do anything, I was shocked. My mouth was wide open and my eyes stared straight ahead.

"Victoria," Josh asked me, moving my hair out of my face. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He panicked.

"I..." I stared at his shoulder, unable to talk. I looked at my wrist, where the cashiers hand print was visible in red on my pale skin. There was also a little bit of blood coming out of cuts that he made with his nails.

"Oh my god," Josh whispered, looking at my wrist.

The last thing I remember is everything going black in Josh's arms, while he was running back to the bus.

"Victoria! Victoria! Don't you dare p-" was the last thing I heard him say.

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