62: Math sucks.

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*Victoria's POV*

I ran inside and up to my room. I grabbed a bikini and changed into it. I threw my hair into a messy bun on top of my head and then walked back downstairs with excitement.

I ran back outside and Josh was lying on a lawn chair. He had taken his shirt off and laid it on the little table, leaving him in only his skinny jeans. He had put a bunch of floaties in the pool. Where is he getting this stuff?!

I ran and jumped in, quickly swimming back to surface when my face touched the cold water. I swam towards a big swan floatie and climbed on top of it and when I looked towards Josh, I saw the rest of the guys walking outside in their swimming trunks.

"How did you guys hide this from me?!" I exclaimed, making them chuckle.

"You don't come back here so it was quite simple, we just hired people to do it while you were at school." Matt explained.

"Thank you!" I said. They smiled in response.

-1 week later-
(Because I'm lazy)

We were going back on tour, again. It wasn't a long tour though, only about a month. I got Brittany to take care of Snowball for the time we are gone, she didn't mind.

It was currently Friday night; 7:48pm, and I was in my room packing my things because we were leaving in the morning. I was folding my "I love Josh Ramsay" onesie, when I saw my door open in my peripheral vision. I turned my head and saw Josh standing there.

"Hey," I said, continuing to fold my clothes.

"Hey." He replied. "Almost all packed?" He asked.

"Yup, I just need a few more pairs of pants, and some socks. And my makeup bag." I counted.

He nodded. "Did you get all your school finished today?"

"I almost, I just have a bit more math to do." I replied.

"Listen," he said, sitting on the end of my bed. "Every time I've looked at your schoolwork, math seems to be.... Hard for you?"

I sigh. "I'm just not good at it,"

"Hey, you're a Ramsay, you can do anything." He ensured.

"It's just hard.." I sat down and stared at my feet.

He scooted closer to me and put his arm around me. "Any time you need help, I'll be there. I'll make sure  you understand. Okay?"

I nodded and smiled at him. "Thanks,".

He left so I could finish packing. I put my makeup bag in my suitcase and then I was done. I zipped up my suitcase and headed towards my door. I walked down the hallway and then downstairs. All the guys were sitting in the living room watching football.

I quietly walked over to the kitchen table where my school laptop and work was. I sat down and sighed, staring at the laptop screen that had my class on it. I put on my headphones and pressed play.

The teacher started talking about variables and boring stuff like that. I sighed, and I guess Josh must've heard me because he turned his head. I looked up and met eyes with him.

He stood up and walked over to me, sitting down in the chair next to me.

"Need some help?" He asked.

I sighed. "Yeah,"

He started helping me with my math. To my surprise, he was actually pretty good at it, but I still didn't quite get all of it. Which made me upset. I felt so stupid. About an hour later, the rest of the guys all went to bed. Josh and I decided to call it a night and went upstairs as well.

Josh said he was going to get a shower, so I went in my room and laid down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling.

'I'll never be good at math. I'm an idiot...' I thought. I felt tears prickle in my eyes and soon they spilled over.

Tears ran down my face for another few minutes, before I heard footsteps approaching my door. I quickly wiped them away and then my door slowly opened. I saw Josh standing there.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah..." My voice cracked. Damnit.

He walked over to my bed and sat on the end. "You don't sound okay," he said.

I felt my lip quiver. "Josh... Do you think I'm stupid?"

He seemed to be taken back by what I said. "Kiddo, why would you say that? Of course I don't think you're stupid... You're not stupid! You're one of the smartest people I know!"

I smiled a little. "Thanks..." I sniffed. "I just... I feel like an idiot. I can't do any of the math... I don't understand any of it.."

"You'll get it V, it takes time. I didn't learn to sing in one night, and you won't learn math in one night. You have to practice. You're a Ramsay, Ramsay's don't give up." He told me, making me smile.

"Thanks," I said, sitting up and wrapping my arms around his neck. He put his arms around me and held me close.

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