20: Locker hunting

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-the next morning-

*Victoria's POV*

I was lying on my bunk on my phone, waiting till the concert tonight. It was currently 7:00pm, and the concert was at 8:30.

Suddenly, I realized something. I hadn't seen Josh in almost two hours. I wonder where he is.

I turn off my phone and left it on my bed, climbing down the ladder and walking into the lounge. I was met with Ian, Matt and Mike. But no Josh.

"What's up V?" Matt asked, sipping his Coke.

"Where's Josh?" I asked. All of the guys seemed to look at each other, almost talking through their eyes.

"Uhm.. Well.." Ian stuttered, looking at the other guys and then me, then the others, then me.

"Where is he?" I asked again, getting no slightly scared.

Mike turned around on the couch and looked out the window. Subtle Mike. Subtle.

I looked at the window, and then dashed toward the door. Matt stood up and tried to grab me, but I pushed him off and swung the door open.

I stood on the gravel and looked to my left, but didn't see anything. I looked to my right, and saw Josh sitting on the ground next to the bus.

"Josh?" My voice was quite. His head popped up, and he whipped his hand down to his side.

"Porcelain... W-what are you doing here?" He stuttered. I walked closer and breathed in.

"Josh... W-why...." I said.

"What?..." He said.

"Come on Josh don't play dumb! I can smell the smoke!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms into the air.

He sighed and put the cigarette back in his mouth, realizing that I already knew.

"You caught me," he sighed, smoking it.

I sat next to him on the ground. "Why were you keeping this from me?"

He blew the smoke out of his mouth and swung his head back, staring at the grey sky.

"Because... I didn't want you to think I was gross, and I didn't want you to think that smoking is okay." He explained.

"First of all, I don't care if you smoke, I don't like it, but I still love you the same. Second of all, I'm not going to start smoking, don't worry." I chuckled at the last part. He chuckled back.

"I love you V," he said.

"I love you too," I laid my head on his shoulder and he smoked the cigarette again.
(I'm skipping the rest of the tour because I didn't really know what else to do :P )

-back at home/a month later/August 31-

"Joooooosh!" I yelled from the front entrance. "My pencils aren't in here!"

"Victoria I told you this a million times," Josh walked in from another room. "Your pencils are in the front pocket, erasers in the smaller pocket, and sharpener in with the pencils." He counted his fingers.

Let me explain, apparently before we went on tour, Josh signed me up for a middle school down the road. It was convenient how close it was to home, I was surprised the kids there didn't mob the house.

"Hey Josh?" I said.

Josh stopped in his tracks, I guess he was on his way back to his room. "Yes Porcelain?" He chuckled.

"What if... What if they only like me because my dad is the one and only Josh Ramsay?" I made jazz hands when I said his name.

Josh chuckled and sat on the couch, patting his lap. I skipped over and sat on his leg.

"V, people will love you for you. Not for me. You're amazing, and anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend." He said smiling.

"Thanks dad," I smiled back. He kissed my forehead, and told me to go to bed.

-the next morning-

For my first day of school, I wanted to look good. So I decided to wear a white button up loose tank-top type shirt, some black skinny jeans, my blue tie that Josh gave me, and some light pink sneakers that Josh also bought for me.

I put on mascara, eyeliner and foundation. Then I found one of Josh's fedoras in the hall, so I put that on too. I left my hair in waves today, I didn't want to be late so I decided it would be easier to leave it.

I also wore my Marianas Trench earrings. I walked downstairs and saw Josh at the table drinking coffee and looking at his phone.

I coughed and he looked up. "Hey V," he said.

"Hey," I replied. I walked over to the fridge and took out a water bottle, chugging it down.

I then walked over to the cupboard and looked at all of the food.

Josh looked at me. "Stove," he said simply.

I looked at him, and then at the stove. There were two pancakes on a plate there.

"Thanks," I chuckled before taking them to the bar and sitting on a stool. I ate as fast as I could.

-at school-

"Bye Victoria! I love you! No boys! I love you! Be safe! I love you!" That's all Josh yelled from the car.

I started walking faster towards the school, because people were starting to stare at me. I brought my hand to my face and shielded it, quite embarrassed. Why does he have to do this on the first day?!

Once I reached the front doors, the bell rang. I looked back and smiled at Josh, he was leaning out of his window, I'm surprised nobody noticed him, though he was wearing sunglasses and a hat.

I waved and he waved back, blowing me a kiss. I laughed and rolled my eyes, turning back around and walking through the doors.

I sniffed the air, and it smelled like what I imagined. Boredom. Pure boredom.

I took the sheet of paper out of my pocket, and looked at it.

'125' I read in my mind. That was my locker. 125.

I strolled through the hallways, looking for my locker number.

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