{Chapter 25}

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C R Y S T A L ' S P O V

"Crucio!" Lucius Malfoy yelled, as I found myself in the same position I had been in not long ago.

Trapped between four walls, I had to face the pain.

That was until an unfamiliar voice started speaking, I had to strain my ears to listen.

"I know what powers you posses Christella. Don't think you can hide. Although I do not need you, you're still another fool protecting him. Say your goodbyes before the night of the maze, as I will kill everyone you love, and I might not let you join them."

A scream erupted from my lips as I forced my eyes open.

I pressed my body against the armchair I had fallen asleep on and rocked back and forth in an attempt to to sooth myself.

I heard footsteps and a hand on my shoulder before I was hoisted into the hold of George Weasley.

He wrapped his arm around me protectively, calming me to sleep.

F R E D ' S P O V

I woke up and looked across the room expecting to see my twin brother in the bed opposite me, but he was nowhere to be found.

Deciding to go investigate, I got out of bed and went down to the common room where two red heads snuggled up on the couch.

George and Crystal.

Crystal was curled up in a ball while George had his arm wrapped loosely around her.

I decided to leave them in peace to sleep.

C R Y S T A L ' S P O V

I woke up with my head rested on George's chest, his arms wrapped around me.

I could feel his breathing, it was still steady and even, I came to the conclusion that he was asleep.

"Hey Crystal." He said suddenly, startling me.

"Hi." I said, clutching my chest.

"Sorry," he chuckled, "didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alright." I laughed.

"I was going to go get calming drought for you last night but you fell asleep before I could." George said.

"I don't know why, but when I'm with you I don't usually need it. You calm me down enough by yourself." I say without thinking.

"So did you figure it out yet? Did you take the it to the prefects bathroom like I told you?" I asked Harry, pointing toward his golden egg.

"It told me a riddle. I don't get it though."

"What was it?" I asked.

"Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you'll have to look, to recover what we took." He recited.

"You have to search for something you lost in the black lake, and you'll only have an hour to find it. I think there might be merpeople and other beasts underwater but I'm not entirely sure." I said, watching Harry's eyes grow to the size of a saucepan.

"Where and how am I going to find anything that can help me breathe underwater?" He asked.

"Well you could use Gillyweed, or a bubble head charm, but someone else has to d that for you and I don't know how. See if Professor Snape has any Gillyweed." I say.

"Are you mental?"

"What do you mean?"

"Me? Ask Snape? For anything? You must be dreaming."

"Fine. I'll ask him." I say, picking up my books and walking off with them.

"Hello Professor." I say politely, facing the greasy haired, hook nosed man.

"Lily." He nodded curtly.

"Uh, well, I was wondering whether you had any Gillyweed." I asked him.

"I might. Why would you be looking for such a thing?"

"I want to give it to my brother for tomorrows task."

"I see. Well, take it. Tell your brother it's the only thing he'll be getting out of my personal store cupboard."

"Yes Professor, of course. Have a lovely afternoon."

Snape once again nodded.

I shoved the Gillyweed in Harry's hand.

"Wimp." I muttered.

"Excuse you, but I probably would have gotten my head chewed off if I asked for bloody Gillyweed, so shut your trap!" Harry said, glaring playfully at me.

"Yeah, yeah. Alright." I laughed.

"Miss Granger, Miss Potter, Professor McGonagall wishes to see you." Mad Eye said, tapping me on the shoulder.

I jumped, turning around to face the intimidating teacher before standing up.

"Harry, you should go to bed. We've been in the library for hours, and we all know you'll go crazy if you don't leave soon." Hermione chucked.

He nodded and shoved his notes into his pockets and took off the same time Hermione and I were escorted away by Mad Eye.

We were at the door to McGonagall's office in no time, and Mad Eye left, leaving us to walk in.

"You're still real scared of him aren't you?" Hermione asked me in a whisper.

I nodded.

"Ah, Miss Granger, Potter, we were waiting in you." McGonagall started.

"I've summoned you all here as you are an important part of tomorrow's task. The competitors have to search for something- or someone, that has been taken from them. You are their most prized possession, the thing the shall miss the most. "Miss Delacour's 'item' is Miss Delacour, Mr Krum's Miss Granger, Mr Diggory's Miss Chang, and Mr Potter's Miss Potter. Once this spell is cast on you, you will be in a deep sleep, almost a nap, only until you are brought back up from the water."

One by one, each of us in the room succumbed to the spell that was cast upon us, leaving us in a dreamless sleep.


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