{Chapter 28}

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C R Y S T A L ' S P O V

"Uh hi, Christella right?" I was tapped on the shoulder by Cedric Diggory.

"Yeah. You're Cedric?"

"Correct. Listen, I just wanted to tell you that in the third task, if you need to find someone or you get hurt or anything, you can call out and I'll come get you. I can't say I've ever been in your position, but I do feel for you." He said, smiling sweetly.

"Thanks. I appreciate it." I replied. We waved goodbye to each other and got on with our day.

I walked over to the great hall where the Daily Prophet was being passed around.

'Christella Potter, knowingly injuring triwizard tournament contestant for chance at fame' was the headline for today.

"Hermione! Calm down! It's just an article!" I heard Harry called, restraining her.

"No! First Harry, then Hagrid, now Crystal. It's absolutely appalling!" Hermione was fighting to get out of Harry's hold. She eventually broke free and stormed over to where the newspaper was, ripping it to shreds.

"Silly little mudblood, we were reading that!" A Slytherin boy came storming up to the group of us.

As he began to pick a fight with us, I looked to Draco for help, spotting him entering the hall.

"Why would you care anyway?' The boy pointed to Hermione. 'It doesn't bother you. It's an article about what this horrible, worthless piece of trash did, and now she's playing victim." The boy turned to me, pushing my shoulder as I stumbled back a few steps.

"I assure you - I did not purposely harm Fleur Delacour in any way, as much as you'd love to throw me under the bus." I said, composing myself. It didn't last long though as I was shoved to the ground and kicked in the leg.

"Hey! Lay off of her!" Draco yelled, walking up to us. Gasps filled the room and all eyes were on the both of us. "What are you all looking at? Go on, go do something else that doesn't involve gawking at people, insolent children." Draco called, as everyone else turned away. I looked around for Harry, Ron and Hermione but they were nowhere to be seen. "Need a hand?" Draco asked, smirking. He crouched down and helped me pick up my books, placing them into the satchel beside me.

"Thanks." I smiled. Draco only nodded in response.

"You alright?" He asked, grabbing my arm to help me up.

"Fine. He really didn't hurt me, it just caught me by surpr-"

"Not that, I know that. I mean, as a whole are you okay? With everything that's happening. I've seen you in class, you haven't been yourself." Draco looked at me with a concerned expression.


"Answer the question Potter, even if you know I know the answer."

"Sorry, sorry. I'm not sure to be honest. I'm better than I was a few weeks back when I first found out I had to compete."

"You weren't even going to classes, that's-"

"Oi, Malfoy, what are you doing with the Potter girl?" A boy with a dark complexion who I knew to be Theodore Nott asked.

"Nott, get over here." Draco ignored Theodore's question and beckoned the boy over.

"Theodore Nott. Please don't think I'm prejudice just because I'm in Slytherin. Also, I'm not evil, just putting that out there." Theodore held out his hand. I chuckled, shaking it.

"Is that what you say to everyone who you meet?" I asked.

"It changes all the time, really."

"Wonderful. I guess that means I should make up a fancy introduction now, shouldn't I?" I started. "Christella Potter. Somehow entirely different to everyone in the world. Please don't think I'm arrogant just because I'm in Gryffindor and related to Mr Arrogant Cocky Potter." The three of us burst into laughter.

"I think that puts my introduction to shame."

The school year had been extended until the end of June this year so that the last task could be completed. Usually, we finished on June 15th, my birthday. Yeah, I would usually spend my birthday on a train. It wasn't all that bad, I got free sweets from the trolley lady every year.

If tomorrow is June 15th, then that means that the third task is 9 days away.

Tomorrow could well be the last birthday I ever celebrate.

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