{Chapter 10}

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It didn't take long before it was the end of October, and classes had finished early today so we could get ready for the other two schools to arrive.

Thankfully, that got me out of Divination, and although I hadn't had many lessons, I already knew I didn't like it very much.

Professor Trelawney was always predicting my death, however gruesome it might have been.

I apparently was supposed to die many times.

Today, I was supposed to fall into a volcano and be burnt alive.

I don't know how long I'll be taking Divination for.


We hadn't had a DADA class yet because the teacher wasn't due to come until today.

We were seated in the Great Hall waiting for the other schools to arrive when the enchanted roof, that was supposed to mirror the sky outside started flashing with lighting and thunder sounded.

I screamed, it gave me a fright.

A tall, plump man with a magical eye and a staff pointed his wand at the sky and everything went back to normal.

I was still breathing heavily, getting over the initial shock, eyes fixated on this strange man.

"That's Mad Eye Moody, worlds greatest auror!" Ron whispered.

"You okay?" Harry asked me, his voice low.

I nodded.

"It just gave me a fright, that's all." I said, composing myself.

He nodded, looking back to Dumbledore.


As Beauxbatons and Durmstrung took their seats at the Slytherin and Ravenclaw tables, I found my gaze diverted to Mad Eye many times.

"And now I shall introduce the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Moody." Dumbledore said.

Not only did I find myself looking at the new teacher, his magical eye was also looking in my direction.

I didn't want to think too deep into it though, we was probably long at me because I look exactly like my mother, and I'm the girl who lived.

I hated the attention, the fact I was 'famous' just because I wasn't killed by a dark wizard.

Okay, Harry and I apparently also defeated the darkest wizard of all time, but still.


"Miss Potter!" McGonagall's voice boomed across the hall.

"I forgot to mention, you're joining the 4th years for Defence Against the Dark Arts this year under Professor Dumbledore's orders. I believe that is your first class?" McGonagall asked.

I nodded.

"You would be correct." I said.

I swear I saw a small smile tug at her lips as I left.

"Hermione!" I called.

"You joining us?" She asked knowingly.

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