{Chapter 18}

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C R Y S T A L ' S P O V

"Potter, Potter, can you hear me?" Someone whispered.

"W-W-Who is i-it?" I asked.

"Doesn't matter who it is. Are you alright?"

"Just t-tell me, p-please." I clenched my fist as another shot of pain ran through my body.

Lucius seemed to have put a curse on me so the pain from the crutiatus curse would linger.

"Fine, it's Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." Draco said.

"Why a-are you helping m-me?"

"My father is a sick, cruel man. I'm not like him. Let me help."


Draco attempted to sit me up against the wall, but as soon as he touched me I cried out in pain.

"I'm sorry." He apologised.

I didn't have enough energy to talk, or move or anything.

"Crabbe, Goyle, go get a professor." Draco ordered.


"So you're telling me that your father got into Hogwarts, attacked Miss Potter and then left when he was disarmed?" McGonagall asked, repeating the words spoken by Draco.

He nodded.

As another shock of pain traveled through my body, my leg twitched and kicked someone.

"I-I-I'm sorry." I managed to get out.

"It's alright." Draco said.

"Alright, everyone out, the girl needs some peace." McGonagall said, shooing the Slytherins out.

"What curse did he use on you?" McGonagall asked, crouching down.

I stayed silent.

I felt so bad for Professor McGonagall, everyone was scared of her, but really, she's very nice, and willing to help you out with anything.

This was just another thing that proved that.

"Come on Christella, you're a smart girl, I know you know what spell was used."

"The c-c-crutiatus c-curse."

It pained me just to say it.

"Oh my. Come on, let's get you to the infirmary."

"N-No. Not the hospital w-wing. Please." I pleaded.

Words couldn't explain how much I hated that place.

"Professor Dumbledore's office?" She offered.

I did my best to nod.

"You're lucky this is the old potions classroom, and I believe there are some pain relief potions." McGonagall said.

She went into a cabinet and got out the all too familiar purple potion.

"It will wear off faster because it was an unforgivable curse, but it will be enough to get you where we need to go." She said.

I downed the potion, so badly craving relief.

That potion made it so much better.

"Alright, come here, I'll help you up." McGonagall helped me up and allowed me to use her for support as we walked to Dumbledore's office.

"I know how you feel Christella, I was once held under the crutiatus curse too. I'll do everything in my power to make sure you are back on your feet soon."

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