{Chapter 16}

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George's POV

I don't think Crystal realises that I picked up on something she said yesterday.

When I was trying to make her feel better about Harry competing, I said that Dumbledore wouldn't let him get hurt.

I heard her say that he lets her get hurt, and she's right.

Why does she have to live with that vermin who treats her like a slave, who abuses her.

She shouldn't have to.

But if it were Harry, he'd be out of that place and somewhere where he would be treated like royalty.

Storming up to Dumbledore's office, I told the stone animals at the front to get Dumbledore for me.

They obliged and the doors opened soon after.

"What is your reason for coming to see me today Mr Weasley?" He asked.

"Why on earth don't you move Christella Potter from the Dursley's?! You know full well what they do to her there, and I must ask you, do you approve of that? Because I believe that if you don't, then you would have put her in better living conditions then what she's in." I said, unusually loudly.

Dumbledore didn't seem fazed, he just nodded and started talking.

"I understand that you're not taking my decisions well at the moment Mr Weasley, and I understand where you are coming from. I do know she is being badly treated-"

"Then why is she still there?!"

"It is not absolutely necessary for her to be there, although I didn't wish to separate she and her brother."

"Why would you need to separate them?" I asked, a much calmer tone applied.

"Harry needs to be there. Christella does not. You see, the night Lily Potter died, she died protecting Harry. Christella not only saved herself, but her father also died for her. James Potter did not have any more living relatives, so we sent both Harry and Christella to Petunia Dursley. Lily's sister. Harry is protected by Lily's love, and as long as he can call Petunia's place his home, he is practically immortal."

"Christella saved herself? She was only a few months old how could she of-"

"She was in the crib when Voldemort killed Lily, and she caught Lily's wand when she fell. She cast a protection spell around her and her brother, protecting them from being killed. It only left them with the scar."

"So she saved Harry too?"


"When can she move? If she doesn't have to stay there, why doesn't she get away from it all."

"Do you have any ideas where she is to go Mr Weasley?"

"Nymphadora Tonks."

"Ahh. I see. Christella has formed a close bond with Nymphadora hasn't she?"

I nodded.

"I shall see what I can do. And also, Mr Weasley, please don't tell anyone apart from Christella herself this information. No one else needs to hear." Dumbledore ended the conversation, nodding at me.

I have a half hearted smile and walked out, taking in all the information I had been given.


Crystal's POV

"Crystal, Crystal, there's something I need to tell you!" George panted, running up to me.

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