{Chapter 6}

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"Harry." I ran up to him and embraced him in a tight hug.

"I'm fine Chrissy." He muttered into my hair, reading my mind.

I greeted everyone else.

"I didn't see you before you guys left Mione. How have your holidays been?" I asked.

Hermione had shot up a few inches, making me feel even shorter than ever.

"My holidays have been uneventful really. Until now. How about you? And what have you done with your hair?"

"Oh, my hair. I usually use a spell to straighten my hair in the morning, but I'm too lazy to do it today." I laughed, purposely ignoring the question of my holidays.

"What's wrong?" George sighed.


I think they realised.

"Nothing." I said dumbly.

"Yeah right. I know you Crystal."

"Seriously, I'm fine." I said turning my back.

George placed him hand on my shoulder softly, but I threw his hand off.

"Stop." I said quietly.

I so badly didn't want to have to point my wand at anyone, I wanted to believe that everyone where was the real them, but the problem was trying to get myself to believe it.

It was a mental battle.


"George, stop." I snapped.

And as if she read my mind, Tonks distracted George, giving me a chance to slip upstairs.


Arthur's POV (I know, weird.)

George should've stopped when Crystal told him too.

I went upstairs to make sure she was okay.

I put my ear to Charlie's door, to hear soft sobs of a girl.

It was Crystal.

I clicked the door open and went inside, to see Crystal hugging her knees.

"Crystal." I said softly, not wanting to startle her.

"No one else knew. I didn't want to. I think too much." Crystal was muttering to herself, everything she was saying wasn't making sense.


She looked up.

"It's fine to not trust people Chrissy." I said.

"But it's not." She said.

She just stared at the wall.

"If it would make you feel any better, you can ask me a question to make sure it's actually me." I offered.

"You convinced me by saying that." She said.

"You did a good job trying to cover it up." I said.


"I've never seen you as mad as you were at the Dursley's." Crystal said abruptly.

"I don't get mad often." I replied

"I've apparently have the 'Evans Temper.'" She chuckled.

"You can say that again."

"Did you know my parents?"

I paused.

"A little. Charlie wanted money to move to Romania so he help look after you and Harry. He was eight or nine, and already decided he wanted to work with dragons. He went over for a few hours a week until..."

I just hoped I hadn't said too much.

"You remind me of your mother, but then you have your fathers talent for getting into trouble." I laughed.

Crystal wiped away her remaining tears and stood up.

"Thanks." She said, giving me a hug.

I smiled.

Molly and I think of Harry and Crystal as our children, so it's heartbreaking to see them upset.


Crystal's POV

"Bill! Give it back!" I whined.

"Why should I? We want you to play Quiddich with us!" He smirked.

"You're twenty one years old William, stop acting like a five year old."

I sighed.

I obviously wasn't going to get my book back, so I went downstairs and outside.

I was going to have to play with the others.

"Crystal, you playing?" Fred asked.

"I wanted to read, but Bill took my book."

"Oh well, now you have to play."

I grabbed Ron's broom, and joined in with the game.


"Harry, what exactly happened at the World Cup?" I asked.

"Well, long story short, deatheaters came just to scare us all off, I lost the group and was knocked out for a few minutes, then, this... this man came and cast the dark mark. My scar was stinging too. I don't know why."

I didn't reply, instead I repeated his words in my head.

My scar was stinging too.

The words were repeating in my head.

"Chrissy? What's wrong?" Harry asked, noticing I had stopped talking and had zoned out.

"My scar was hurting too. But I thought I was imagining it." I said.

"Where is your scar again?" Harry asked.

I showed him my wrist, where a small lightning bolt shape was embedded into my skin.

"We should tell Sirius." Harry said.

"Shouldn't we tell the Weasleys first?" I asked.

"If you must."

Harry stood up and walked back inside, leaving me to dwell on my own thoughts.

Hello everyone. Sorry it's shorter than usual and a filler, I was stuck on this chapter for a while. Bye!

(Book Four) Brave {CLP SERIES}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin