{Chapter 12}

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Sleeping is such a nice feeling.

You're warm, comfortable, at ease.

Being unconscious is almost the same as sleeping.

When you wake up from sleeping, it's a smooth transition.

You slowly blink your eyes open, and that's when you can truly appreciate the warmth that you're lying in.

Waking up from being unconscious, no matter how long you've been out for, hits you like a brick wall.

It feels like crashing through thin layers of ice, your body cold and numb.

Not to mention the millions of voices that invade your mind.

They're all calling your name.

And you just wish it would all go away, that you could go back to that land where you don't have to worry, where there's no pain, no one ever gets hurt.



"Crystal. Christella. Can you hear me?" I heard the familiar voice of my brother.

I opened my eyes to be blinded by the bright light, and I realised I was in the infirmary.

"Hey." I said, my voice hoarse.

"What happened?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"Madame Pomfrey said you can leave whenever you wanted to. She doesn't know what happened to you, but she said that you're fine." Harry said.

I nodded and pulled the covers back over me, desperately wanting to savour the remaining warmth I had in my body.

"Come on Crystal, let's go! We can go to the Great Hall, or-"

"Harry, I literally just came to from being unconscious. Give me a break." I sighed, surprised at my tone of voice.

He just groaned and slumped back into his chair, his arms folded.

"So childish." I muttered, only to receive a glare from Harry.


"Please can we go?" Harry whined.

"How old are you?" I asked, sarcasm dripping from my tone.

"Older than you." He retorted.

"Grow up." I said, getting off of the comfy bed.

He wanted me out of bed, and he won.

"Where are we going?" I asked, annoyed at the fact that I had to get up.

"It's dinner time so, the Great Hall?" He suggested.



"The champion for Beauxbatons is... Fleur Delacour." Dumbledore announced.

I looked over to the Ravenclaw table where Beauxbatons were sitting, and I saw Gabrielle start crying.

Fleur got up and walked over to Dumbledore, sending one last worried glance at Gabrielle.

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