{Chapter 23}

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C R Y S T A L ' S P O V

George and I walked into the great hall, which had been prettied up majorly over the course of the day.

We stood beside each other as the four champions started the dance.

Next to join was Ginny and Neville.

George took my hand was we made our way to where the others were dancing.

As we both moved our feet in time with the music, laughing when I messed up.

I turned my head to see many students and all of the professors looking at us with grins.

I started to feel a little uncomfortable, and George noticed it.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Everyone's staring." I said.

"So they are."

"Can we move to the back or something, somewhere where we can dance without being gawked at?"

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea."


George and I took a seat on the ground as there were no more seats left.

"You know that's going to make your clothes dirty right?" Hermione asked, laughing at us.

I chuckled as I thought of something witty to say.

"Ever heard of this thing called magic 'Mione? It's great!"

"Ha ha, very funny Crystal. Have you two had a good night?" Hermione asked.

I nodded my head and George just smiled.

"Viktor and I are going to get some punch. Did you want to join us?"

George and I stood up and went along with the pair, accepting their offer for punch.

We were partying for most of the night, and when the Wyred Sisters started playing, the entire hall was buzzing.

"You can't dance at all can you? I mean, I thought you were bad with ballroom dancing but this is just horrendous." Fred laughed, watching me try to dance.

"Thanks Fred, you're a great dancer too. You know, you never fail to give me the best complements, they make me feel warm and fuzzy inside."

He just rolled his eyes and started conversation with Angelina.

G E O R G E ' S P O V

It was quite late, and most people had gone back to their dorm for the night, but there was still a few people hanging around.

Crystal of course had already crashed, and I was on 'Carry Crystal' duty, something I seemed to be doing a lot of lately.

I swear she's always asleep.

"Come on, let's get sleeping beauty to bed shall we?" Lee asked, popping up beside me.

"We should probably do that. She's out like a light."

"You seemed to enjoy yourself tonight." Lee said, raising an eyebrow.

"What can I say, I was with her."

"True, true. So, are you two- a thing now?"

"What do you mean 'a thing'?"

"A thing thing. Together. Boyfriend and girlfriend. Whatever you want to call it."

"Well, we didn't really um, come as a couple. I kind of told her we were just going as um, friends."

"You're an idiot you know that? An actual idiot."

"But what if she doesn't like me back? And her brother would probably try to kill me and-"

"I swear to Merlin George, if you don't ask her out soon I'll be asking her out for you. Where has the Gryffindor gone to? Or are you now just some scared little Hufflepuff?"

"Don't be rude to Hufflepuffs. They're great. Kind, courteous-"

"Don't you change the subject now Weasley!"


"Sorry. Anyway, you better ask her out. Goodbye now."

C R Y S T A L ' S P O V

"Someone get this dress off of me! Remind me why I went to sleep with it on again? Was I thinking straight?" I mumbled.

"You fell asleep in the Great Hall and George came and took you back here. Hermione then carried you up to bed. Speaking of Hermione, our brothers made her feel really bad for going with Krum last night and I found her crying on the staircase. Do I have permission to castrate the two of them?"


"Okay, sorry, sorry, I won't castrate them then, I'll just smash their faces in."

"You're so violent."

"I pride myself on it."


"You can do whatever to Harry, just don't kill your brother please. I kind of need him to help me with those uncontrollable powers I somehow have."

"Ah right. I'm killing them both. Dumbledore can help with the powers."

I audibly groaned.

How is a quiet, reserved, don't get me mad or I'll explode child like me friends with the permanently violent, loud, feisty child like Ginny?

I'll never know.

Okay so hello everyone.

I finally finished editing my first book, so I'll be updating more regularly now.

Izzy :)

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