{Chapter 14}

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I was becoming less and less scared of Mad Eye, as his approach became much gentler towards not only me but the rest of the class too.

Although he was still teaching us things that made me feel sick, I had gotten over the general fear.

I think.

We were in a class, being taught more about the imperious curse when Mad Eye stopped what he was saying.

"You know, maybe we could learn how to fight off the imperious curse instead of talking about it." Mad Eye began, with a twisted smile.

"That's an unforgivable. You can't." I said, my tone dangerously low.

I know I was still weary around Mad Eye, but I wasn't about to let him have complete control over us.

"I can do whatever I want Potter, now everyone- UP!"

"How about Miss Potter goes first, seeing as though she was so eager to tell me what I could and couldn't do before."

Silence fell across the room and all eyes turned to me.

I was feeling particularly brave today, for the first time in a while actually, so instead of shrinking down like a wimp, I stood up to the challenge.

"Fine. Let's do this." I muttered.

Pointing his wand at me, I heard the word 'imperio' and my mind went sort of blank.

I was fighting against the urge to dance around, and at first I didn't know why I wanted to.

But then it hit me.

Mad Eye wanted me to.

That was the imperious curse trying to work against me.

"Alright, very good, very good. I didn't think you would be able to resist." Mad Eye said.

"Don't doubt me." I shrugged.

Hermione stepped up and grabbed my arm, pulling me back.

"You alright?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"You look pale. More pale than usual." She whispered.

"I dunno why. I feel fine."

"Maybe fighting the curse drained all your energy."


"Um, e-e-excuse m-me professor, I need Harry and Christella Potter. They want to have an interview with them." A small first year entered the room.

"Off with you two."

I waved goodbye to Hermione and Ron as Harry and I left with our bags, me walking a fair distance behind him not wanting to talk to him.

Yes, I am still holding the grudge.


"I'm Rita Skeeter, and I work for the Daily Prophet. I'm supposed to be doing an interview with you all."

I could tell I wasn't going to like this women.

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