Eclectic Love - Chapter Seven

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Eclectic Love Chapter Seven

There are many different kinds of love.

So many, that sometimes, it takes time to figure out which one it is that you are feeling.

But, no matter how vast the expanses of love, it is still rare.

When you feel it, express it.

When you see it, don't look away.

And, when it finally comes into your arms, never let it go.

Because, it is not love that hurts, but the loss of love.

That is what leaves you bleeding.

Hinata huffed. Standing from her bed, she threw the white covers off of her with a vengeance. Her bare feet chilled as they walked along the glossy wooden floor of her bedroom. She pushed open the connecting door.

Flickering on the light, her eyes squinted at the change. She stepped to the corner of the tight space, occupied by only a sink, toilet, and shower stall. Her steady hands gripped both sides of the sink as she stared down at the pristine bowl.

She closed her eyes. 'Breathe in,' she inhaled, holding the breath. 'Breath out,' she exhaled in hopes of calming her turbulent mind.

Swishing her lips to the side she dared to look up.

No dark circles lined her eyes.

Her lips were plump and pink.

Her skin was its usual pale.

Her appearance held her image well, no visible cracks could be peeked through to see a glimpse of what harboured underneath.

The image before her morphed into another. Back when her hair was chopped shorter and her heart a lot weaker.

Flipping her hair over her shoulder she turned on the tap. Her hair tickled her lower back. She cupped her hands, catching the freezing stream of water. A silent gasp escaped her as she splashed the water on her face. Quickly, she grabbed the fluffy towel and blotted herself dry.

Gnawing at her bottom lip she strode out of her room and into the hall. She only stopped to slide her feet into her sandals before making her way out of her house.

Pulling her chakra into herself she became invisible to the night.

As autumn turned to winter the wind held a bitter twist. In the dead of night frost lined the grass. Leaves withered, but not before giving one last show of beauty with their changing colour. Fluttering to the ground they overlapped the path, creating a carpet of red, orange, and brown. Not even they crackled with the eighteen year olds steps as she walked along.

Hinata clung to the side of the village as long as possible before heading towards the centre of the village.

With the flickering street lights spotting the road, she snuck through the shadowed alleyways with well ingrained ease.

Passing a familiar building, she heard the rhythmic booming of music and a drunk bout of laughter as the front door swung open. Her lips tipped into a smile before falling flat.

She travelled through the village, unnoticed to even the most observant of creatures; an easy task for her speciality.

A smile captured her lips again as she approached the apartment complex. Heading around to the back, she eyed the familiar window sill. With a powerful leap she caught the ledge with her hand. Pulling herself up she crouched on the thin piece of cement. She pushed the window open, its well-oiled hinges keeping silent.

Landing softly on the wooden floorboards, she tapped the glass three times as she shut it behind her with a barely audible click.

Out of habit she inspected the area. Only a handful of homey touches were placed along the apartment. A hand-knitted blanket atop the couch. A collection of books on the mahogany side-table. She knew a wooden dancer pirouetted on the dresser in his bedroom.

Her body led her through the hall of her second home. She pushed forward on the door handle of the desired room while lifting it slightly to remove some pressure from the hinges, preventing a shrill squeak.

A human shaped lump hid under thick duvet covers. Spikes of silver hair poked out the top, contrasting the navy blue pillowcase.

Lifting the edge of the covers, she sat down, the mattress bending with her weight. She peeled off her shoes before tucking herself in with a contented sigh. Warmth engulfed her, toasting her icy toes.

She smiled with closed eyes as she felt the bed shift and an arm wrap around her, pulling her close—chest to chest.

"Are you okay?" Kakashi mumbled, still half asleep.

"Mm-hm," Hinata confirmed. She placed her cold hands on Kakashi bare chest, hoping to steal his warmth.

She giggled when she felt him tense beneath her touch.

"Kami, you're cold." He pulled the blanket over their heads before enveloping Hinata. "You're okay?" He asked again, a little more awake.

Hinata nodded, inhaling his comforting scent and nuzzling closer. "I couldn't sleep."

Kakashi tucked her head under his chin, his arm wrapping tighter. "Good night."

"Mm—Love you," Hinata murmured.

"Love you too."

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