In Between - Chapter Twenty Six

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AN - Spot the Supernatural reference in this chapter lol :P



Precipice ~ Hinata: 13/14, Kakashi: 23

In Between ~ Hinata: 17/18, Kakashi: 27 

Eclectic Love ~ Hinata: 18, Kakashi: 28


In Between - Chapter Twenty-Six

Hinata's Byakugan strained, the veins of chakra on her face pulsing as she pushed her eyes to catch every small change around her. She pivoted on the balls of her feet, turning with a whip of her hair to send a chakra covered palm into the chest of one of the rogues surrounding her.

As one fell another would instantly take their place.

Hinata couldn't spare the moment it would take to count the shinobi closing in. She grabbed a woman's wrist as it jabbed past her head. She hit them with a palm of charka, stopping their heart. They flew through the air, crashing into another rogue that was heading towards Kakashi.

Kakashi could only spare a brief flicker of eye contact in thanks. With the extra second of time, chidori engulfed his hand. He swerved through a line of rogues, his Sharingan allowing him to dodge each of their blows before imparting a finishing one of his own.

Following Kakashi's lead, Hinata pushed herself into the air. Flipping out of the way of balls of flames, she grit her teeth together as chakra flowed over her each hands like a wave of water. The chakra quivered as it expanded outwards, taking the form of a lion with baring teeth on each hand.

Her fist slammed into a rogue, her chakra burned through the fabric of his padded vest as a wave of pressure shut down his body. She used the contact to twist in the air and land on her feet. She wasn't given a moment of reprieve as three rogues attacked in unison.

Hinata hissed as a katana slit the side of her stomach from behind. She kept her attention on the rogue in front of her as she saw Kakashi fling an attack at the perpetrator.

As time dragged on Hinata could feel the remaining amount of her chakra slip away. She pressed her muscles further, knowing that soon the onslaught would have to end. It had to. How many could there be?

Hinata's heart tripped over a beat as her eyes watched a kunai pierce Kakashi's chest. Watched as he fell face first into the dirt. An image of a twelve year old boy in rounded dark glasses and high neck trench coat painted itself on top before flashing away.

"Kakashi!" His name wretched from her lips without a thought. In her distraction an empty fist met her ANBU mask, cracking the hardened plaster. Her Byakugan switched off as she fell backwards, her sliding body tearing up the grass and dirt.

Despite her burning muscles and clenching heart, she pushed herself to stand. Before she could get an inch off the ground a body pinned her back down. The light from the flickering sun shut off as a wall of earth curved to cover both her and the man. Her ears rung as a resounding boom shook the ground beneath them. The man cradled her head into his chest, his body curling protectively over her as another explosion blasted throughout the clearing. The makeshift roof began to crumble, chunks of dirt and rock fell onto the man's back, forcing out grunts from behind his clenched teeth.

Then there was silence.

Hinata strained her ears, trying to her the pounding of feet or wheezes of heavy breathing. She stretched her senses to feel the chakra of any surrounding shinobi. There were none alive.

As the man on top of her realized the same thing he collapsed beside her with panting breaths, letting the earth wall rejoin the ground.

With the regained light, Hinata glanced at the man who was still repressing his chakra beside her.

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