Precipice - Chapter Twelve

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AN - Thank you to all of you that have support my story so far :) :) I hope you like this next chapter!

Precipice Chapter Twelve

"You didn't have to do that!!"

Hinata's heart flinched at the screech. Her body remained still, unchanging—numb. She made sure to take in the girl's bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks. She would not forget. She would not allow herself to.

"You could have stopped... You didn't have to do that..." The girl murmured to herself, shaking her head back and forth, not taking her eyes off the person in her arms.

Hinata's eyes went to the other teammate.

The boy was glaring daggers, his hand twitching for his weapon pouch. But, his suffocating heart, drowning from the tears he refused to let fall, was betrayed through his quivering jaw.

Her eyes then fell on the boy in the girls arms, lips blue and mouth parted in a breath that would never be fulfilled.


The fragments of Hinata's heart pierced her soul at the girl's whimper.

"Answer her!" The boy screamed in rage.

He burst forward, kunai in hand.

Hinata didn't move, didn't prepare herself for that familiar slice of a kunai through her burning skin.

It didn't come.

Two Jōnin stood between them.

"Get her out of here," a voice gritted out.

Hinata looked up to the Jōnin from Kumogakure.

His face curled in disgust at Hinata's dispassionate eyes.

Kakashi bit his tongue from saying anything. He placed a hand on Hinata's shoulder pushing her away from the growing crowd.


Hinata stiffened. Her eyes opened to the shaded wood of her porch. Her body, curled over her bent up knees, straightened. She refused to meet Sasuke's eyes.

Sasuke's brows furrowed. He glanced away. "Ah-" He closed his mouth.

"Please leave, Sasuke."

Sasuke pressed his lips together, wanting to do just that. But, something in that moment, something in her, made him stay. "You were crying."

Hinata sighed, leaning against the wall of her house. "Leave."


Hinata refrained from sighing again. Her cool facade contrasted her tear stained cheeks. She stayed silent.

"What's wrong?" Sasuke pushed.

"Why are you here?"

Sasuke looked away. "Kakashi-sensei said you made Chunin." When Hinata didn't say anything, he added, "Is it true?"

"Does Kakashi-sensei have a reason to lie?"

Sasuke huffed. "Is that why you were crying? From the exams?"

"Does it matter?"

Sasuke scrunched his noise in a scowl. "Stop answering my questions with questions."

Hinata stared back with dispassionate eyes. Following his request—and ignoring him completely—she stood and turned to make her way inside her home.

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