Precipice - Chapter Two

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PrecipiceChapter Two

Hinata's head sat a little bit higher as she walked the village streets. Despite the bartering voices and pushy workers elbowing her out of their way she remained optimistic. Hopeful. She could have a new start. Be a new person. She would be an asset to Konoha, at the very least give her life for someone who was.

Curiosity gnawing at her, she decided to checkout Training Ground Eight, despite knowing the team she would be working with may not be there. With a long lost warmth blossoming in her chest she hopped up to the nearest rooftop.

Her muscles burned as she pushed herself to go faster. The wind whistled past her ears, whipping her hair back with it. Her feet pounded in a basic rhythm, gradually speeding. She passed a few fellow shinobi and ignored their curious stares with much determination.

She took a sharp turn. Jumping off the roof, she bent her knees as she met the hard ground before pushing into a sprint. There was no reason for her to rush, but once she started she couldn't stop. The feeling intoxicated her as it rushed through her blood.

Hinata slowed as she heard an enthusiastic voice.

"THAT'S IT, my wonderful pupils! Just one hundred more!"

Hinata tiptoed towards the scene, keeping a careful eye for any noisy shrubbery or stray sticks. Hiding behind the thick trunk of a tree, she peered around to catch a glance. Her breath caught. She leaned forwards subconsciously, her entire body twitching as she put too much pressure on her broken hand. She bit her lip to stifle the gasp that wanted to leave her.

'Is he mad?' Hinata questioned to herself.

The three Genin's arms and legs shook as they completed their task. Sweat dripped off their chins, pooling on the ground. Up and down they went in one-armed pushups, each carrying person-sized boulders on their backs. The green clad Jōnin sat comfortably atop the boulder that rested on his equally green clad student.

"Ah! Hinata-sama!"

Hinata jumped with a start.

"What can I do for you this pleasant afternoon?!" Gai yelled from his perch.

She froze as her eyes got caught in Neji's hate-filled glare. "Um..." A lump caught in Hinata's throat.

"I can't hear you, Hinata-sama!" Gai jumped towards her, happening to land on the boulder that sat on Neji's back.

Neji grit his teeth, forcing his eyes down to finish his reps.

Hinata clenched her injured hand into a fist behind the tree. "I will- Are you here tomorrow morning?"

Gai's bushy brows furrowed before he grinned, his pearly whites reflecting the sun's beams. "Yes! We are here every morning that we can be! Strengthening ourselves in all our youthful glory! Isn't that right, Lee?!"

"Yes, Gai-sensei!" Lee's yell cracked under the strain.

Hinata could only nod her head, unsure of how to react to all that enthusiasm. "Would it be alright if I joined you - your team, in training?"

Gai's face went hard, he crossed his muscled arms across his chest. He waited in a dramatic pause. "Of course!!" His entire disposition flipped. "Such a beautiful example of youth!" He declared as tears streamed down his face. He wiped his leaking eyes and snot running nose. "We could all learn something from this! Oh, Hinata-sama, I would be honoured if you trained with us!"

Hinata's cheeks flamed.

"BUT!" Gai's tone turned serious. "We will need to inform the Hokage if you wish to start training with us."

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