Precipice - Chapter Eight

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Precipice Chapter Eight

A thirteen year old Hinata peeled open her sleep crusted eyes. Her lower back cracked with a sharp pain as she shifted over her numb bum. Her neck cricked as she stretched it side to side, pulling the tight strings of muscles that connected to her lats.

She squinted at the steaming light, all while rock bottom opened up and swallowed her whole.

'What do I have to lose?'

It got her up last time, but—now—she was numb.

Still, she stood.

Out of habit alone she got dressed.

Out of a hidden fear of being found in this state she prepared for training.

As she stepped into her kitchen, grabbing an apple from the bowl, she paused as her eyes caught sight of a few of her salves that laid on the counter.

Her teeth crunched into the crisp apple as she stared in thought. She hadn't brought Hanabi the salve like she promised. Another bite, her mouth watered at the sweet taste. In no rush she finished her breakfast, eating the apple to the core. With a single apple remaining in the bowl, she took note that she would soon need to shop.

Wrapping her arm around her abdomen, she felt her poking muscles beneath the pads of her fingers before her xylophone of ribs. She glanced to the unused stove.

She used to love to cook.

Opening her lower cupboard, she threw the apple core into the compost bin. She scrunched her nose as a puff of the rotting stench escaped, making her nose hairs curl. A single zipping fly flew from the container. Hinata eyed it with a cold distaste.

Righting herself, she grabbed the purple container on the counter and headed for the door.

In thick ink 'Muscle Pain & Tension' painted along the side. Below, the ingredients were listed for anyone to recreate.

Lavender leaves and rosemary were the prime ingredients, acting as tonics; both contained camphor which drew the blood to the skin. She always added an extra hint of lavender to allow for its floral aroma to overtake the other competing smells. Ginger and chamomile worked together as an anti-inflammatory. And, a bit of eucalyptus helped to flush the lactic acid from the muscles.

Her favourite balm and her last batch, sitting at almost a year old.

Hinata clutched the plastic container in her hands as she maneuvered through the village streets. As the day began shopkeepers dusted off the counters of their stalls. Some peeled back the curtains, inviting customers to taste their cuisine or adorn their garb. Others futilely attempted to sweep away the swirling dirt on the street.

Making it to the opposite end of the village, the farthest point from her home, she stared at the Hyūga Manor as the distance narrowed. In the early morning only one guard manned the front gate. She recognized him as a Branch Member: Hyūga Hitura.

Strong, but emotional, is what she remembered of him. Regardless, his strength would be undermined and wasted in this Clan.

"This is for Hanabi-chan," Hinata said to Hitura who tried to cover his surprise.

"Hin-Hinata-san... What are you-"

Hinata's blank stare cut off the Hyūga's questioning as his mouth went dry. She held out the salve for him to take without further words.

"Ah, yes, sure." He gave a nod, his fingers reaching to take the container. His fingers twitched, meeting the hard plastic before it was pulled back. His instincts flared to life as the humid air dropped below zero.

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