Eclectic Love - Chapter Fifteen

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AN - Hi :) Thanks so much to everyone's that's been voting, commenting on and reading my story :D It almost has 100 votes!!! I hope you like this chapter!

Eclectic Love - Chapter Fifteen

The wind blew past Hinata, dipping under the think ceramic of her ANBU mask. She shifted on her feet as she pulled out a single kunai, twirling it around her finger before clenching it in her fist. "Will you be returning willingly?"

Sasuke broke from his trance as Hinata spoke. His muscles shifted along his back as he tensed, his stance widening. He was a man of little words yet he felt the urge to fill the whistling silence. Questions battered his mind as his eyes roamed Hinata up and down. "Why are you here?"

Hinata lifted a brow. "By order of the Fifth Hokage you are to return to Konoha," she repeated Kakashi's words.

Sasuke grunted.

"Ever the eloquent one, Sasuke."

The Uchiha's flat lips twitched to a smirk. "You've changed."

"A good thing. You've built quite the reputation for yourself," Hinata drew the conversation to where she wanted it to go. "You've lessened my work load by eliminating Orochimaru, so perhaps I should thank you."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. "Glad to be of help." He readjusted the katana in his hand.

Hinata didn't respond through either words or expression. She new the man in front of her wasn't a killer. She knew he could kill, would kill, but was the type to avoid it. Yet she didn't believe him to be lying in this instance.

With her Byakugan she narrowed her attention to the curse seal on Sasuke's shoulder. The original seal placed by Kakashi laid below seals of her own design from a time when she was new to the field. The black kanji tattooed his skin from the groove above his collar bone along to his lower back.

"I think it's time for another rematch," Hinata broke the silence with a small forming smile.

Sasuke's Sharingan spun to life as his lips lifted. As Hinata vanished to all his senses his eyes darted side to side. His hand tightened its grip on the hilt of his katana.

He snapped into a crouch as a kunai sliced above him. He pivoted on the branch to meet Hinata's blade with the sharpened edge of his own.

The two blades pushed against one another.

Red eyes grasped the opportunity to peer into frozen pools of lavender. Sasuke's lips reformed that same thin smile. He forced her smaller size backwards with ease before he swung his blade with a new ferocity.

Hinata met each slice of his blade with the tip of her kunai. She danced backwards, her feet gliding over the rough bark. She dipped sideways underneath his opposite hand as it jabbed forwards with sparking blue charka. With his back open to her, she made contact with her palm as she sent a shredding pulse of chakra though his muscle. The second she made contact she vanished once again.

Sasuke rolled his shoulder to inspect the damage as he turned to glare down at Hinata. She had taken up her original placement on the ground, standing as if she'd never moved. 'She's toying with me,' Sasuke pressed his lips together. It felt like their first spar all those years ago.

He pushed his charka through his body shaking loose the effects of his curse mark.

The sealing along his back glowed red as black marks slithered out from under it. They curled up his body, covering his face before his skin morphed into a sickly grey. Webbed claws pushed through the skin of his back as disfigured wings.

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