Precipice - Chapter Fourteen

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Precipice ~ Hinata: 13, Kakashi: 23

Eclectic Love ~ Hinata: 18, Kakashi: 28

Trigger Warning: Child abuse (verbal and physical)

[I haven't used trigger warnings before but since I want to use more difficult topics in this story I feel that I should to an extent. Please let me know if you think a chapter should have a specific warning or if I'm not using them correctly.]

Precipice Chapter Fourteen

Kakashi leaned beside the door that led to Hinata's room. The hospital floor had cleared by order of the Hokage, only personnel hurried about. No trace remained of that masked intruder; every inch of the village had been checked, any potential witnesses questioned. If Hinata was correct, and the man used a space-time ninjutsu like his old sensei, then he could have entered the village without tripping the barrier. There was no saying how many times he had done so before.

To his surprise the Hokage hadn't pushed Hinata in her vague replies, stating after that he trusted her judgement and would give her time to process. He trusted her too, but...

The look in her eyes when he entered, that man hanging over her, it was as if her entire world had come crashing down. Hinata was strong willed and very stubborn in spite of her age. For her to be so affected by someone's words, it didn't sit well.


Pulled from his mussing, Kakashi rolled his head to watch his students sprint towards him.

"How's Hinata-chan doing?" Sakura asked, out of breath.

Kakashi inspected each of his students, seeing their obvious curiosity riddled with concern. "Why don't you go ask her?"

Naruto and Sakura perked, even Sasuke stood a little straighter.

Naruto elbowed his teammates out of his way as he burst through the door. "Hinata-chan! How are you feeling?!" He rushed to the bed and slid to a stop. "Hehe, sorry," he mumbled when he noticed Hinata's cold stare. "How are you feeling?" He asked, no longer shaking the room with his trumpeting voice.

Kakashi scratched the back of his head, rethinking his offer. He decided to wait in the doorway, throwing the occasional glance at a nosy nurse or doctor trying to peer in.

Hinata pulled her eyes away from Naruto's eccentric blue. "Good, thank you."

"Who was that guy?!" Naruto's excitement jumped back up. "Did you-"

"Naruto," Kakashi warned.

"Huh?" Naruto twisted his head around to see his sensei.

Kakashi sighed. "No questions like that."

Naruto's head fell to the side, his mouth parting in a look of confusion.

Sakura leaned closer to whisper in Naruto's ear, "It must be a village secret or something."

Naruto's eyes widened. "That's so cool! Wow, Hinata-chan. You must be so awesome!"

Hinata remained unchanging, staring down at her lap.

Naruto hummed in thought as he looked around the room for inspiration, his lips pressed tightly together. His head shot straight, "How were you injured? Is there gonna be a scar like Kakashi-sensei? That would be so cool."

Hinata peeked up at Naruto, catching his wide, hopeful eyes that beamed with unrestrained fascination. She exhaled a silent sigh. "A kunai. It went through me, my ribs. Punctured my lung."

EntangledOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora