Bree and Ry!

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There he is. <3 Ryland Lynch. He was funny and was so cute....but he would never notice me. I one ever does so why would he? Right now I was in this hell we call school! Fun right? -__- I was sitting in the back of the classroom doodling Ryland's' name on my sheet of paper when the bell rang. I rushed out of the classroom and ended up running into someone. "Sorry." I said, grabbing all the books the person had dropped. I looked up and had to do a double take. It was Ryland. Oh my luck xC "It's alright...Bree right?" He knows my name? Ryland knows my name? Calm down Bree or you'll hyperventilate! "Hah yeah...nice talking to you." I rushed away, trying to find my red headed friend...Cece (Me! Don't judge me!) "Woah clam down Breester!" Cece said, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "Let's head to lunch" I nodded.

Rylands POV

Man..Bree was acting odd. Then again she was probably weirded out that I knew her name. To be honest..,it would of shocked me! I would you like some lame...geeky boy knowing your name? Come on Ryland get real.

After lunch

3rd person POV

Ryland and Bree both went to apologize to each other. Bree for leaving him hanging and Ryland for being 'odd'. They started to talk and became the best of friends....friends with benefits ;)


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