Chapter 87 - Work Complete

Start from the beginning

Nabi chuckled. "You can go there. With my hair color, I think I'd be stoned to death."

Kwon Jiyong smiled. "Then do you want to go somewhere in the country side instead of going all the way to Jeju."

"Yeah. If we want to get to Jeju, we have to fly making it easier for them to find me." Nabi says in an obvious tone.

"Hmm, maybe that detective isn't all right in the head you know." Kwon Jiyong says with a smile.

Nabi smiled with a slight nod. "Are you sure you're alright with coming with me? I mean, Joo Won can take care of me well and-"

"I told you I'm not moving from your side." Kwon Jiyong says.

Nabi smiled happily to hear that. Soon after, the front door opened and Joo Won, along with his wife entered Nabi's dorm. Nabi smiled at Kang Eun-Bi who bowed respectfully to her. Joo Won held a duffle bag in one hand and Kang Eun-Bi wore a bag on her back.

"Are you guys ready?" He asked.

Nabi nodded. "I just have to get my bag."

"I'll grab it." Kwon Jiyong says. "Just please carry her safely."

Joo Won scowled. "I'm her best friend. I wouldn't hurt her intentionally. Only if she was drunk and did something to me. That is asking for revenge." He says causing Nabi to roll her eyes.

"Let's get going then?" Kang Eun-Bi says. "Would you like me to carry your crutches?"

Nabi nodded. "It's useless for me to use them since the fracture in my ribs ache every time I do, but it'll heal soon." She replied. "Thank you."

"Okay, it's going to get bumpy since we have to go up to the roof." Joo Won says placing his bag down, only for Kang Eun-Bi to pick it up with her free arm.

"Why are we going to the roof?" Nabi asked.

"Oh, we're taking my father-in-law's helicopter. That way it's easier transferring you." Kang Eun-Bi says.

"It pays to be rich." Joo Won shrugged with a smirk.

"Rich." Nabi scoffed. "It's not even your helicopter."

Kang Eun-Bi chuckled. "It's not."

"Whatever." Joo Won says, picking her up bridal style. "And we're not going all the way to Jeju. Which ever house that rapper owns, anywhere in South Korea, we'll go there."

"Oh and how do you suggest you land the helicopter? His front yard?" Nabi asked.

"No. We can go to Gangnam. I have an apartment there. I'll call the owner of the building and let him know I'm arriving there by helicopter." Kwon Jiyong says holding his bags and Nabi's bags in both arms.

"That sounds great." Joo Won says.

Everyone made their exit from Nabi's dorm. Kwon Jiyong stopped to retrieve her shoes along with her house slippers. He followed behind Joo Won's wife, which in his opinion didn't even know she existed until the night before, and up onto the rooftop. The helicopter was waiting with the pilot along side it, checking if the helicopter was in check.

"Is this everyone?" He asked.

Joo Won nodded. "Yes. Jiyong-ssi will give you the place to land."

With that the pilot climbed in and started up the helicopter's engine with multiple switches being clicked loudly. Joo Won placed Nabi down on the chair comfortably. He then went to help Kang Eun-Bi with all the things she was carrying. Meanwhile, Kwon Jiyong got into the loud helicopter and buckled Nabi in. He reached over to the open seat next to and took hold of the headset. He placed it over Nabi's ears, that way she was able to hear and speak with everyone. She smiled nervously at him since it was her first time riding a helicopter, and she was terrified. Kwon Jiyong took hold of her hand, and intertwined their fingers together. He smiled at her for reassurance as the helicopter took off the moment Joo Won and Kang Eun-Bi got strapped in.

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