"Raven," Eve gently placed a hand on top of his, her golden eyes softening on her royal guard. "He'll need to know at some point."

"I-I know," Raven turned his back toward the group. "Just don't tell him now. W-we still have some hope left for Aisha and I don't want the kid to worry."

"I'll be sure to keep him in the dark." Allegro answered. "I-I'd suggest leaving soon. A-Amos will be done his experiments momentarily. There's no doubt he'll be looking for you afterwards."

Raven gave a curt nod in response.

Allegro bade us goodbye before retreating back into his tent, the putrid scent of disinfectants punched me in the face as he cracked open the tent flaps to enter.

We were all left in a suffocating silence once he was gone. Nearly everyone had their eyes on the ground, their minds wandering through a storm of thoughts—Rena was the only one with her head up. Her hate filled eyes burning holes into me.

"We should go," Elsword broke the silence with a soft whisper. He pushed through the group and began his way out, no one said a word as we mimicked his actions.

"Elsword," Rena pushed passed the crowd to reach him—she shoved me to the side with additional force, nearly making me topple over on the ground. "I suggest we leave the demons behind."

Elsword stopped in his tracks with whitened knuckles dropped on his sides. Rena took this as a sign to keep talking.

"Aisha is injured because of her. If we bring her along I bet she'll only foil our plan to help Aisha."

Her every word made the blood in my veins boil. I wanted nothing more than to swipe my blade at her and stop the acidic words from burning the last of my dignity. I grit my teeth and bit back the sizzling anger threatening to make an appearance.

"Rena," Chung whispered behind me. "It's not the time for this."

"It's the perfect time, Chung." She answered without looking back. "It's the perfect time to kick the burden out of the team. While we're at it we should slay her and that Phoru, it'll not only assure our safety and success in this mission."

I felt something snap inside me. The anger tried so hard to conceal burst from its confides, like a magma flying out of a smoking volcano.

"Hey, watch what you're saying." I growled. She snapped her head back at me and narrowed her eyes.

"What are you gonna do, demon?" She turned her body to face me. I absentmindedly took a step away from her. "Are you gonna kill me? Rip everyone here into shreds? Or perhaps you'll stand like a dead tree against our enemies?" Her sweet voice taunting me with each word.

"Rena, don't say things like that." Raven piped in, his voice hardened with frustration and anger.

"Last time I checked you were attacking us, Rena." I snapped, my head pounding like a set of drums.

"I couldn't control myself," Rena choked on her words. "B-but you? You were in perfect control and yet you didn't anything. Y-you stood there and let Aisha take the hit for you. How can you call yourself a Red Knight when you can't even protect a frie--"

"Enough!" Elsword's sudden outburst made me yelp while Rena simply froze. Elsword still had his back turned toward us, with shoulders raised up to his ears. "Just shut up, the both of you! If you're gonna keep arguing then don't bother coming along. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir." Rena muttered, turning her back at me once again.

"Y-yeah," I answered, bowing my head in shame.

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now