Yet, deep down I know I wish for something more. I long to get to know her, to kiss her again, to hold her hand and to take her out on dates. Even a friendship would be better then just student and teacher.

I start reading my book, and soon I'm engrossed in the pages. Reading is one of the only things that gets me to stop thinking and phase out almost completely.

"Mind if I join you?" A familiar voice brings me back to earth by sending shivers down my spine. I look up to see the wolf piercing grey green eyes of Thalia.

"Not at all," I say moving over. She sits down next to me, and I notice she's out of breath from running around. Her skin is glowing read and a bead of sweat slides down the side of her face and I watch it slide down the kissable curve of her neck. I curse myself for thinking that way. I feel my heart pace pick up with anticipation for what she has to say. Ever since last night when I opened up to her and told her my feelings I've been under silent torture, longing to know what she thinks and what she feels, how she took the information. Sensing she does have something to say I remain quite during a silent pause as we both pretend to watch the soccer game.

"Thank you." She finally says, somewhat softly. I turn to look at her and she turns her head to meet my gaze.

"For?" I ask, knowing what she's talking about but just wanting to confirm.

"Last night.. and what you said. It cleared up my questions and made me see the situation clearly.. like I've said before I'm sorry. For pushing myself on you. And honestly acting childishly these past few weeks. I guess I've been so confused about my feelings for you and what to do, and I was confused about just everything. But now that I've had the night to think about it and process everything I understand. I know we can't do anything more or be anything more then teacher and student, maybe even friends." She says, and I see the sadness in her eyes at the last part. She wants more too. I feel my heart sink as it always does as I'm reminded once again that me and her can't happen, we can't even try.

"You had the right to know," I say smiling warmly at her, "I'm glad we could talk about this and treat the situation like adults."

"Me too," she says smiling too, her eyes filled with relief. I feel relieved too. It feels nice to move past our awkwardness and complication.

"How about now you join my class again and return to being my TA now," I smirk. She blushes and Laughs, nodding her head.

"Id rather hug a cactus then sit through another one of Mr Ballards lectures," she says and I laugh.

"He does talk a lot," I say still chuckling.

"Wayyyy to much." She shakes her head turning her attention back to the game.

"I didn't know you played sports," I say after tearing my eyes from her gorgeous toned skin and the curve of her perfect nose. How is it possible someone who's 17, and therefor supposed to have acne, not even wearing make up and wearing sweats and a t shirt who has just been running around in the sun for several minutes look so damn perfect?

"I'm very athletic," she says leaning back against the tree, "when I was a kid I used to play all the sports I could. When I got older that stopped and I focused on basketball and soccer. But had to stop that too when I moved here. Now I just gym."

"Ooo nice, explains a lot." I say before I can stop myself throwing the flirty comment. She turns to look at me.

"What do you mean?" She says. I pause before turning my head and giving her a smirking cocked eyebrow look for several long seconds before turning back to pretending to watch the boys play their match. I see her smile and blush and look away as soon as she catches on to what I was hinting.

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