Chapter Three

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Sorry to bug y'all again, but I just want to add that I'm still editing so I apologizes for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Also sometimes I might add a little bit into a previous chapter every now and then, but it won't ever be anything big. Thanks xx


Having a crush on your teacher sucks. I'm finding it hard to focus in her classes and it's only the first week. It doesn't matter what she wears, she always looks good. And she has this intoxicating smell of caramel and toffee but it's not too sweet of a smell, and it hits me every time she walks past my desk. Also whenever she catches me staring which isn't too often because I'm careful, she throws a wink and that just sets the butterflies in my stomach into a frenzy. I wonder if she knows the small gestures and movements she does casually drives me crazy..

Other wise the rest of my week from Monday to Thursday went by smoothly. I met two friends of Cades. One named Trystan, who plays guitar and sings. Just like Cade he's pretty genuine and chilled, except he's a bit more serious then Cades playful nature. The other friends name is Cameron, an Asian guy who's really hot but also really cool and not all about his looks.

Also, Cade and Elsa asked if I wanted to go out for drink this Friday with one of Elsas friends named Julia and I agreed.

"Cade shush man," I hiss through my stifled laugher as Cade makes yet another 'that's what she said' joke in English.

"- and Mr Jeffrey entered the tunnel," Miss King continues with her reading of the passage, not hearing Cade and I fuck about in the back.

"That's what she said!" Cade murmurs to me and we both burst into fits of uncontrolled giggles, causing us to bite our knuckles to stop ourselves from making a noise. Miss King throws us a warning look and we try to pull straight faces as if we weren't doing anything.
Cade and I mess around in all our classes together, and we share English, maths, physics and chemistry together.
I check my timetable and smile to myself as I see that I know have double practical chemistry. I head off to the chemistry lab and find some students already scattered amoung lab sets.
I sit at one myself and Cade joins me thirty seconds latter, but I remind him Elsa will probably want to sit with him and he takes the lab next to mine. I hear the click of heals and Miss Hunter enters, wearing black designer skinny jeans and a black top with black heels and very red lip stick. I gulp inwardly. Oh dear.

"Good Friday afternoon my mini scientists," she says cheerfully, setting her stuff down. She gives us some assignments to do either in pairs or by ourselves and shares out equipment to do for the experiments. Everyone else either has or finds a partner but I just slip on the safety goggles and get to work. I work better alone. After about ten minutes I'm very caught up and focused in my work and already double as far as the other students, who are all talking mostly anyways which slows down work too.

"Working so diligently," Miss Hunter remarks from behind me, and I jump, startled yet again.

"I really need to stop sneaking up on you," she chuckles and moves next to me to observe my experiment.

"Yes you do Miss," I say smiling and shaking my head, placing a hand on my heart as if I need to calm myself down.

"How come you're working all my your lonesome?" She questions, and I try not think about how close she is and how I feel her body brush mine.

"I work well by myself,"I say, leaning in and looking through the magnifying glass, mostly just to move away from her in fear I might lose control.

"Ahh okay," she says and turns around and jumps up so she's sitting in the counter facing me. She tucks her fingers between her thighs and the surface of the table and leans forward with a straight posture to stretch her back, her gaze sweeping the class and watching the students all caught up in conversations.

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