Friday December 18th

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I woke up at 6 and got ready for the day. I put on my Nike leggings and my red pullover. I packed my soccer bag and put it by the door. Brad came in and out my suitcase and Duke's things in his truck. Brad and I went to Starbucks and then went to school. We set up the training room and Kirk came in.

Kirk: There is a dog in my training room.
Me: this is Duke
Kirk: he's cute but why is there a dog in my training room.
Me: he comes with us to games and we leave after this hour
Kirk: oh well
Brad: Sorry we should have asked
Kirk: yes, but its okay just don't let him pee on anything please
Me: of course

Brad and I fixed the coolers and got the jerseys. We put them in Brads truck and the when the bell rang we went down to the stadium. Barron had snacks for us and we loaded the bus. We left the high school and we started a movie. I checked my phone and email. I had emails from Jill and Nike.

To Savannah Solo,
Hey Baby Horse just confirming that you are flying tonight and at what time. Get back to me as soon as possible please, - Jill Ellis

To Jill Ellis,
Hey, yes I am flying in tonight and my flight arrives at 12:15. – Savannah Solo

To Savannah Solo,
Great, Dave will be there to pick you up and then you have a 40 minute drive to Carson. You are rooming with Kelley O'Hara in 1720. See you tonight. – Jill Ellis

To Savannah Solo,
I just wanted to confirm that you are doing the photoshoot with Alex Morgan in Carson, Ca next week.
- Mike Keratin

To Mike Keratin,
Yes I will be doing the photoshoot. I am flying in tonight. See you soon. - Savannah Solo

I then checked my text messages.

Hope: Hey Baby Horse just checking in. You are getting here tonight right?
Me: yes I am. I'm actually rooming with Squirrel 🤗
Hope: Oh great
Me: yup well gtg bye Hopey

Kelley: hey Baby Horse can't wait to see you later!
Me: I know Squirrel, me too. I have to go though bye roomie
Kelley: Bye Roomie!

I put my computer away and talked to Coach Barron.

Barron: I have it set for you to use the visitors' locker room to up before you leave. Also how are you getting to the airport?
Me: I have an uber picking me up
Barron: alright well we are about to stop for lunch so wake the girls please

I woke up the girls and put Duke's vest on him. The bus stopped and we all got off. Brad and I went to Cane's to eat and sat down at a table. People started recognizing me and wanted photos. Once I did we headed back to the bus. We still had 2 more hours so we went to sleep. Barron woke us up and we went to the locker room.

We put on our gear and went out for warmups. The ref called captains and we chose to defend our side of the field first. The first half started and University High kicked off. The kept the ball and went up the field. We fought over the ball the whole first half and nobody scored. We had halftime and listened to Alex.

Alex: You girls are playing great you just need to play a little faster and not hold onto the ball so long.

We took the field after she finished and the ref blew the whistle. We had kick off and kept it for a while. We moved up the field and Megan gave the ball to Sam. Sam beat her defender but the centerback stepped so she passed to me. I beat my defender but my touch was a little far away. The goalie was coming up but I took a step and slid. I hit the ball under the goalies hand as she dived to make it 1-0. I got up and celebrated with my team. We set back up quickly.

University kicked off and we won the ball. Connor won a corner and we lined up at the box The ref stopped and called me over.

Ref: you have to get the blood off of your leg. You can sub or play one down.
Me: we will play one down for right now.

I sprinted over to the sideline while Megan took her corner.

Me: I need the blood off my leg before I can go back in.
Barron: Okay hurry

Brad cleaned the blood off and wrapped the back of my thigh. I went to the sideline and the ref okayed it and let me back on. The ball was just starting to get cleared. The ball came out and the players rushed out of the box. I won the box and dribbled up the field. Megan saw the gap and I played her. Megan took a touch and shot it to make it 2-0.

We got our cool down and headed to the bus. I said goodbye to my team and then I said goodbye to Brad and Duke. I grabbed my suitcase and went to the visitors locker room. I gave Barron my jersey.

Barron: Well everything is set. Once you are finished just shut the gate. Their coach will be by later to lock everything up.
Me: thank you
Barron: Well good luck, I am so proud of you.
Me: thank you coach
Barron: well bye Savannah see you on tv
Me: Bye Coach Barron

Coach Barron went to the bus and I went in to the locker room. I showered quickly and put on my leggings, uggs, and my national team jacket. I put my hair in a bun and left. I shut the gate and then got into my uber car. The lady drove me to the airport and I got my bag and went in. I checked in and then went through security. I boarded my plane and texted Jill I was on my plane. My plane landed and I went and got my bag. I found Dave and he drove us to the training center. I got my room key and went to my room. I crashed in the nearest bed I could find.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 3Where stories live. Discover now