Saturday October 3rd - Tuesday October 6th

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I fell asleep around 5:30am. I woke up around 1 to someone calling me.

Me: Hello?
Hope: did I just wake you? It's past  noon there why are you in bed?
Me: we had a late game last night. I got in about 5 this morning
Hope: oh well good job on your game Thursday.
Me: thanks
Hope: So your birthday is on Wednesday. Are you going to do anything?
Me: I'll probably go eat with my parents. They get in today but other than that no probably not since it's a school day. Also we have the championship game on Friday for football.
Hope: oh well that's exciting. Well I have to go bye Baby Horse
Me: oh okay bye Hope

I got out of bed and showered. I put my uniforms away and then Lydia fixed me lunch. I texted Brad and he was on his way to my house. We ate lunch and then watched a movie. During our movie my parents came home. They came in and unpacked. Over dinner we all caught up and told stories. Brad went home around 10 and I went to bed.

Sunday- Tuesday

      Sunday I helped my mom clean the house and then cleaned my own room. Lydia made us dinner and then I stayed in my room for the rest of the night. Monday I woke up and went to school and turned in my make-up work. I had cheer and soccer practice before going home. I showered and did homework before going to bed. Tuesday was the same as Monday minus soccer practice.

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