Friday September 4th

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**Comment and Vote! - Blaire**

I woke up at 6 and put on my red uniform. I put my hair in a ponytail with my white bow. I did my make-up and then packed my cheer bag. I put on my shoes and grabbed my jacket. I got my bag and got in my jeep. I drove to the training room and unlocked it. Is set up for then day and then people came in. we did treatments until first hour started. First hour ended and then we went to Barron's. 10 minutes in Kiley and I got up to leave.

Barron: you two can go but why are there only the 8 of you on the list?
Me: Nike is here to do a photoshoot on their brand of cheer shoes but its only mine and Kiley's stunt groups.
Barron: oh okay well thanks for telling me.

Kiley and I left and heads to the gym. I got in and there was a photo crew and Mike. I set down my bags and went over.

Mike: Savannah it's good to see you again. We have all of the shoes so you girls can put them on and then get where you normally stand so we can set up.

We changed our shoes and then got in our formation.

Mike: okay this is Christian he is our photographer and he is going to give you some directions
Christian: Okay girls just do what you normally would do. Try not to look straight into the camera. We will start when the pep rally starts so you can go ahead and warm up.

We started warming up and then the gym started filling up. The pep rally started and we moved into formation. We did our dance and then went into our pyramids. We hit our final pose which was a needle scorpion. We came down and the raider went and danced. We did the bleacher battle and the juniors won. We did our alma mater and then the pep rally ended. Everybody filed out and we sat in front of Mrs. Garvin. She told us what time to be there and that we were wearing the same uniform for the game. When she finished Kiley and I went over to Mike and Christian.

Me: Hey Mike, Christian this is Kiley the other flyer
Mike: it's nice to meet you Kiley.
Kiley: it's nice to meet you too
Christian: so tonight at the game I want to get some photos of you two in the air at the same time and from different angles. So I will be moving but don't look straight at me.
Kiley & Me: alright
Mike: Well that is all. We will see you two later.
Me: Bye Mike Bye Christian
Kiley: Bye

Kiley and I grabbed our bags and headed to Mrs. Garvin's room.

Garvin: How did it go?
Me: they said they got good photos but we didn't get to see them.
Garvin: Good well we aren't doing anything so just keep it down.
Kiley: We will

Kiley and I sat down and with Megan and our boyfriends.

Brad: You two were amazing today.
Justin: yeah you were
Me: thank you

The class ended and we went to 4th hour. The rest of the day was boring because we didn't do anything. Justin, and Brad had to stay at school until the game so Megan, Matt, Kiley and I went to the mall for lunch. We ate and then went to my house until we had to be back at the school. While we were waiting Hope called me.

Me: Hey Hope.
Hope: Hey Baby Horse how's school?
Me: Good we had a pep rally today oh and Nike did the photoshoot today.
Hope: that's good
Me: but not what you're calling for, just ask
Hope: fine what happened with that email from Audi
Me: oh yeah I forgot to tell you. Brad and I are flying to Germany to meet with Mr. Stadley on the 12th
Hope: Wow do you know what the meeting is about?
Me: Nope they didn't say. How's Seattle?
Hope: its good Sasha misses you though
Me: She's not the only animal missing me
Hope: Squirrel, she called me the other day
Me: I missed her but I will call her tomorrow
Hope: good or she'll go nuts
Me: I know well I have to go
Hope: alright bye Baby Horse
Me: bye Hope

I hung up and then Kiley, Megan, Matt and I got in our cars and went to the stadium. We got out and Matt and Megan got their food at the pavilion. Kiley and I got warmed up with our team. Mike and the photo crew showed up. We told them where stood and Christian got his camera set up. We left them to set up and joined out team. We finished warm up and then had to do the tunnel.

Once the whole team made it through the banner at the end we lined up and got in a half for kick off. We did our normal game dances and stunts. Before the game ended Kiley and I scooted our groups closer together so that when we pulled our scorpions we could reach each other's arms. Christian got the photo and we came down. We won the game 42-20. I went home and showered and went to bed

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