Tuesday August 18th

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***Hey guys Comment and Vote!! - Blaire***

I woke up at 6 and got dressed. I put on my light jeans, maroon shirt and brown ankle boots. I put my hair in a messy bun and then put my bags in my jeep. I got in and headed to the training room and got here by 7. I unlocked the training room and started setting stuff. The trainees came in and I told them to make either ice bags or heat pack depending on the player's injury. Kirk came in at 7:15 and evaluated new and existing players in their injuries. At 7:50 the bell rang and players left to go to class. First hour started and Kirk gave Brad and me the job of filling up the coolers. We finished by the time the bell rang and then we had the rest of our classes.

It was finally 7th hour and I got in my jeep and drove down to the stadium. We all got dressed and put on our tennis shoes. We did warmups and then Alex huddled us up and talked to us.

Alex: okay we are going to do the fun run today. Solo I know you know the way, Megan I want you to lead the rest of them. You have 20 minutes but really if you take longer than 15 you may have a problem.

We lined up and Alex yelled go. I started my watch and set my pace. I ran through the parking lot and then turned left onto the street in front of the office. I ran on that road past the football field and then turned left again. I ran for a bit and then made the last turn on to the main road. I made it back to the where we started at in 8 minutes. It was a mile and a half total.

Alex: You can leave after you stretch because they will be a couple minutes
Me: okay thanks

I stretched and then went into the locker room. I changed into my cheer clothes and drove to the old gym. I was early so I sat down and changed into to my cheer shoes. Nate then came in.

Nate: Hey since you're here do you want to work on 1 man stunts
Me: yeah sure
Nate: you might want to take of your tank though because it may rip and you've already lost one
Me: that is true give me a sec.

I took off my tank and walked over to Nate. We set up and then went on his count.

Nate: 5. 5..6..7..8..1..2 pull tight 5..6.. Pull..1..2..3 and down. Good now can you flip up to it?
Me: I've done it a couple times
Nate: well let's try.

I set back up and went on his count. On 1 I jumped up and Nate pushed up. I flipped backwards and Nate caught my foot and I tightened as much as I could. I stayed up and then pulled my heel stretch.

Nate: good. 1..2. nice job that was a good one.
Me: thanks
Nate: well the girls are here now will you lead the stretches please.

I led the stretches and then for the next hour we had tumble class. When it was over I went home and showered. I then called our old chef that we used to have.

Lydia: Hello?
Me: Hey Lydia its Savannah Solo well Reed.
Lydia: oh hey Savannah how have you been?
Me: I have been great but I was wondering if you would be willing to come and work for a couple days. I only need dinner because as you know I can't cook whatsoever and my parents are away again.
Lydia: yes I remember and of course when do you need me to start.
Me: if possible today but if not then tomorrow.
Lydia: do you have anything to cook at your house?
Me: uh yeah no
Lydia: of course well I will go to the store and then be there soon.
Me: great thank you
Lydia: I will see you soon.
Me: Alrighty then bye

I went to my room and opened my email. I had one from beats and one from Kathrine.

To Savannah Solo
Hey we need another post from you please, Thanks.
– Luke Wood.

To Savannah Solo
Hey, I know it's been awhile since we have talked. I have gotten multiple requests for interviews, I will send you the list after I make it. I know I have your number this being said I know you are in high school but I have to be able to reach you at all times. I have a legal form attached for you to give to your high school to allow your phone. Don't let them void it by no respecting the rules please. I know about your upcoming events with Nike and Audi. Anything else from now on other than Nike, Beats, Apple and of course US Soccer will come from me. That is all I have, Thanks.
-PR Kathrine Young

To Kathrine Young
Thank you, I will turn this form in and then send you the copy of it signed.
- Savannah Solo

By the time I finished Lydia showed up. I let her in and gave her the extra key to the house. Lydia made Chicken, veggies, and a salad. I fixed my plate and Lydia and I sat down and ate. We finished a while ago but we sat and talked for a while. It got late and we cleaned up. Lydia went home and I watched tv for a bit and then went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 3Where stories live. Discover now