Friday August 21st

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hey guys comment and Vote please!! ^^our white cheer uniforms^^- Blaire

      I woke up at 6 and got out of bed quickly. Today was the pep rally and then the Jamboree tonight. I put on my white uniform and put my hair up with my white bow. I put on my shoes and grabbed my jacket and backpack. Cheerleaders had to wear their uniform all day and football players had to wear their jersey and jeans all day. Brad picked me up at 6:50.

Brad: Good morning baby
Me: morning lets go before we're late we are the head trainers after all.
Brad: I know we are.

Brad drove us to the training room and we got out and went in. We set our bags down and started to set things up. Players came in and got their treatment. First hour started and went by quickly. We went to second hour and Kiley and I only stayed half way through because we were called to the gym. We did stretches and warmed up our stunts.

The gym filled quickly with students and we made the two lines for the football players to walk through. After they took their seats we started our chants. The band came out and the raiders danced. To finish off the pep rally we did our routine. Kiley and I did our tumbling pass and then joined in the dance. We moved in to the pyramids and did the sequence. We hit the last heel stretch and yelled GO REBS!

We came down from the stunts and the principal dismissed. Students started leaving and heading back to their classes. Garvin called us all over and we sat down in front of her.

Garvin: Good job girls. We are in the same uniform tonight. Be there at 5:30. You don't need your megaphones tonight. See you at the stadium.

We got up and got our bags. I found Brad and we went to 4th hour together. The day finished quickly and Brad and I got to leave after 6th hour. We went to eat at McAllister's and then Brad dropped me off at home while he had to go back up to the school.  At home I decided to call Hope.

Hope: Savannah
Me: ouch why the first name?
Hope: Really? Do you not remember Sunday?
Me: Crap uh
Hope: uh huh care to explain?
Me: not really
Hope: Well to bad. Have you done it before?
Me: Really?
Hope: answer the question
Me: yes we have and yes we're safe.
Hope: I'm still mad at you, but we can talk about it next time in person.
Me: great
Hope: I'll let that slide. How was school?
Me: good I have the same schedule as Brad except for 6th hour. Plus we had a pep rally today and now we have the jamboree tonight.
Hope: oh send me pictures tomorrow. Well I have to go so bye Baby Horse.
Me: Bye Hope

I hung up with Hope and got ready for the jamboree. I drove my jeep to the stadium and parked. I put my stuff on the sideline and then helped Garvin set up some things. The game started at 8 and we beat Ridgewood 40-8. After the game ended I went home and went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ