Thursday November 12th

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***Comment and Vote - Blaire***

I woke up at 6:30 and let Duke out. I put on my soccer gear and my tennis shoes. I put up my hair and then went and ate breakfast. I left Duke out since my mom said she would watch him for the day. Brad picked me up and we went to the training room. We set up and then first hour started.

Kirk: Solo, Evans make the coolers and then go check with Barron and see if he needs anything.
Me: yes sir.

Brad and I made the coolers and got the water totes and put them in Brad's truck. We walked over to the school building and went to Coach Barron's classroom.

Me: hey do you need anything done before we load up?
Barron: yeah actually can you two get the jerseys and put them in the lockers and while you're down there count out the pennies and make sure the balls we're bringing are pumped up?
Brad: Sure
Barron: you can just stay down there because the bell is about to ring
Me: okay see you down there.

Brad and I went back to the field house and grabbed the jerseys. We went down to the soccer locker room and hung up the jerseys. Brad counted out the pennies while I pumped up the soccer balls and rebagged them. The team and coach Barron came down and we loaded the charter bus. I had my pillow and blanket and curled up and fell asleep until we stopped for lunch. We ate at Chilies' and then got back on the bus.

We got to Darkwood high school at 4:30 and went to the visitor's locker room. We changed into our warmup tops and sat down to listen to Coach Barron.

Barron: We have beaten Darkwood before but that doesn't mean anything. We need to come out strong, focused, and quickly. We are going to warm-up with the double square and then move into 4x4 before we shoot. Let's head out.

We jogged out of the locker room and started out stretches before heading to the double square drill. Once we got it down quickly at game pace without mistakes we moved on. We put on the pennies and did the next drill. We went to shooting and Barron called me over.

Barron: Don't shoot full power on Therese, we don't need her hurt before the game. Before they call captain I'll get her to step out so you take some real ones.
Me: okay.

I got in line and did half power shots. Therese stepped out and went with the team to the locker room to change while Alex played me some balls so I could shoot full power. The ref then called for captains and Megan and I ran over to do the coin toss. We won the coin toss and chose our side to defend first. We went back to the bench and Coach Barron handed me my jersey to change into. After I changed we did the prayer and then got our break.

Me: We got this ladies! Let's come out strong and put one away quickly. Lady Rebs on 3, 1...2...3...LADY REBS!

We took the field and Darkwood had the kick off. The ref blew the whistle and the game started. We won the ball quickly and went up the field. Megan sent it to Sam who passed it to me at the top of the box. I beat my defender and shot it low past the keeper to make it 1-0. My team celebrated and Megan and I did our foot shake before setting back up again. Darkwood kept the ball for a while until they lost it and we got a throw in. Megan threw it to me and I turned and went up the sideline. I crossed the ball on the ball and Megan made the run and finished it to make it 2-0 in the 20th minute.

We did our foot shake and set back up. Darkwood sent it back to their midfielder but she took a bad touch and I won it. Megan was with me and between the two of us we passed back and forth up the field. Megan made the run out wide and I sent her the trough ball while I spun off my defender and made the back post run. Megan crossed it perfectly in the air and I headed it into the net to make it 3-0 in the 30th minute. Nobody scored for the rest of the half and the whistle blew for half time.

Barron: Fantastic half ladies. Let's keep up this pace and put some more away, Savannah?
Me: we're doing great. Let make sure we get to the ball first like we have been and don't give away any chances.

We got out break and went back out. We had kick off and kept the ball. We went up the field but slowly. Megan had the ball and played the through ball to Anna. Anna ran onto it and shot it to the left corner making it 4-0 in the 60th minute. We set back up and kept possession for a while. Mary got a ball in the middle and sent a ball over the defense. I ran onto it and shot from 25 yards out to put it over the keeper who was off her line making it 5-0 in the 78th minute. The whistle blew shortly after we kicked off and our team celebrated.

We shook hands with Darkwood and ran to the locker room.

Megan: Damn Savannah a hat trick in the first game
Me: hey you scored too and so did Anna.

We all changed and got back on the bus. On the ride back we all sang and danced for the first two hours. After that we all fell asleep. Brad had his legs on my seat and I had mine on top of his so we both were fully lying down. We got the school at 12:30am and went home. I let Duke out while I showered and then let him in before going to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 3Where stories live. Discover now