Saturday October 17th - Friday October 30th

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***these are just filler chapters you can skip them if you want - Blaire***

Saturday & Sunday 

I woke up and took Duke out and then went back to sleep. Duke and I got out of bed at 10 and went for a run. I then did my some ball work and my ab workout. I showered and Brad came over. We watched a movie and Duke laid in our laps. After our movie Brad and I went out for dinner. We came back home and watched a movie and then went to bed. Sunday we woke up took Duke on a run and then did an ab work out together before Brad had to go home. My mom and I ate lunch and then I drove her to the airport so she could fly to California. I came back and caught up on TV shows and ate dinner before going to bed. 

Monday - Friday

The next two weeks flew by quickly and I got into my school routine again. We started soccer practice and would go from 3:30 to 5:30 at the latest. Duke was now running 2 and half miles with me. 

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