Tuesday September 15th

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I woke up at 6 and got dressed and did my make-up. I packed my bags and put them in the jeep. I went to the training room and set everything up. I helped trainees with treatment and then 1st hour started. Brad and I sat on the tall tables and listened. I had a message from Kathrine to check my emails so I did. I had one from Nike, Coach French, Beats and then head of my local travel soccer club. I opened them in that order.

To Savannah Solo,
We are launching a new firm ground Magista cleat. 2 pairs (a turquoise pair and a yellow) have been sent to you. Please wear them in your next game or picture them by October 3rd. If there are any problems don't hesitate to ask.                           – Mike Keratin

To Savannah Solo,
Hey Baby Horse, we have a 3 day camp and then a game the 28th-1st in Colorado. You will fly in on Sunday and fly home on a Friday. Pick your own flight times and use the card. See you on Sunday.
- Michelle French

To Savannah Solo,
Please post a picture soon please. – Matt Costello

To Savannah Solo,
Hi Savannah, our U-18 team needs a forward this weekend and we want to know if you are available to play. The tournament is in Baton Rouge. If you can your old jersey can be used. We need to know by Thursday if you are able to play. –Robert Ford

I added the U-20 camp and game to my schedule. I then called Kathrine.

Kathrine: Hey Savannah
Me: Hey I have 3 things
Kathrine: okay go ahead
Me: one is I need you to book my plane tickets to Colorado Springs on Sunday the 27th and then home on Friday the 2nd
Kathrine: okay 2nd thing
Me: can you contact Beats and see how much their Beats XL pill is and see if I could get one in grey by Friday afternoon?
Kathrine: okay last thing?
Me: I need you to ask whoever you need to see if I can play with my local U-18 travel club this weekend in Baton Rouge. I need to know by Thursday.
Kathrine: I will get on this
Me: thank you.

I hung up and the rest of the day went by quickly. We had a weight lifting session for soccer and I went to cheer for tumbling class. I went home and then Kathrine called me.

Kathrine: Hey Savannah, I have your flights booked and they are being transferred to your phone as we speak. Also you can pick up the Beats Pill at Best Buy tomorrow. Finally I contacted Michelle French and she spoke to the FIFA Board and they said you could play this weekend. They are emailing all the paper work to you so you can forward them to Robert Ford
Me: Great thank you so much
Kathrine: of course Bye Savannah
Me: bye

Kathrine hung up and I emailed Robert Ford the paperwork. I did my homework and then ate dinner with Lydia and my mom.

Mom: What is your schedule coming up?

Me: I am going to Baton Rouge this weekend and then I am also going to Colorado the 27th-2nd

Mom: I am leaving the 20th and won't be back until the 3rd. I am going to Washington.

Me: have you talked to dad?

Mom: he is getting in the 3rd as well. So Lydia you will have the 27th – 2nd off.

Lydia: okay thank you

We finished dinner and I showered and went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 3Where stories live. Discover now