Thursday October 8th

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I woke up at 6 and got dressed. I put on my Nike black leggings, my red US shirt and my white Nike Roshes. I packed my soccer bag and at some cereal. I got my keys and went to the training room. I parked in my spot and went to the training room. I unlocked it and started setting up. Brad got there a few minutes later followed by Kirk. Players came in and got treatment. 1st hour started and the day went by quickly. I got in my car and drove to the stadium. I got out and unlocked the locker room. I changed along with my team and then walked back out. The gals then pulled up and got out. They joined us in warmups. We finished and Barron called us over.

Barron: Alright since JV is with us we are splitting into 4 teams. Savannah, Megan, Compton, and Ali are captains.
Me: Okay Hope
Meg: Ashlyn
Comp: Therese
Allie: Caroline
Me: Alex
Meg: Ali
Comp: Kelley
Allie: Tobin

We got through everyone and then set up the fields. We played for two hours with halftimes and breaks. My team played Megan's team first and we won 2-0. We then switched and played Compton's team. We won 4-0. We finished and got a cool down stretch. Kelley rode with me and we went to my house.

Me: What time do you all leave tomorrow?
Hope: Well Kelley, Alex, Tobin and I talked to our coaches into letting us stay until Saturday.
Ali: We tried but couldn't get it.
Me: that's okay. Well the 3 of you get to come to the championship game in NOLA.
Kelley: We get to see you cheer for the first time
Me: I know
Hope: What time are you leaving tomorrow?
Me: Garvin told me 9 because we are stopping at the mall for lunch.
Alex: We will follow you guys then
Hope: Well we better go shower and get our stuff for tomorrow because we are just going to fly out of NOLA
Me: okay bye guys

They left and I showered and did homework. I atedinner and then got my cheer bag ready. I laid out my clothes and went to bedat 11.    

How I became Savannah Solo Part 3Where stories live. Discover now