Monday November 2nd - Tuesday November 10th

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Monday - Monday

The next week and was boring. I would go to school have cheer and then go to soccer before going home to shower, do homework, eat and then go to bed. After a week though Duke's stitches came out so I began our runs again getting him back to 2 ½ miles. Brad came over on the weekend and we just hung out and played with Duke.


I woke up at 6:30 and let Duke out. I went back to bed and slept till 10 since we didn't have school because of Veteran's day. Since we didn't have school Coach Barron decided to make it our picture day and then we had practice afterwords. I got out of bed and curled my hair and did my make-up. I texted coach Barron to see if I could bring Duke and he said yes so I changed into my uniform and then I out my Duke in the Audi and headed to the school. I parked and headed to the locker room.

Megan: awe he's getting so big
Me: I know soon he won't fit in my car
Anna: he's so cute I want one.

Coach Barron then came in and said we need to head out. I put on my cleats and Duke and I walked out with the girls. We did individual photos first and while I went Megan held Duke's leash for me. We had the group photo afterwards and then headed to the locker room. We changed into our practice clothes and put our hair up.  We went out and I tied Duke to the fence in the shade. Practice wasn't long and ended around 2. I picked up lunch and then went home. I took Duke for his run and then showered.

I did homework and then ate dinner before going to bed.

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