Wednesday October 7th

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I woke up at a beeping noise outside. It was almost 6 in the morning so I got up. I was in shorts and a sports bra and went outside to see what the noise was. I saw Alex, Ali, Ashlyn, Hope, Tobin, Kelley, and Brad standing in front of a truck with my car from Audi.

Ali: Happy Birthday Baby Horse!
Me: What, how, you guys, eek!

I ran over and hugged them all,

Ashlyn: I am definitely jelly of your car
Kelley: Same
Me: Well thank you
Hope: I can't believe I'm doing this but here are your keys

Hope handed me the keys and I ran over to the car that was now in the driveway. I got in and started it.

Me: Anyone want to go for a test ride?
Kelley, Ash: Me!
Me: one at a time
Ash: go on Squirrel

Kelley got in and I backed out. While we went around the neighborhood the girls talked,

*Alex: She would be shirtless but her face was too good not to post this video
*Hope: I already posted a picture
*Tobin: I have never seen someone so confused as she was
*Ash: oh yeah that was great

I came back and Kelley got out while Ash got in. We came back and I parked.

Hope: Now as much we've missed you, you need to get to school. We will meet you after and go to dinner.
Me: I still have to go!
Ali, Alex: Yes! Now get moving.
Me: fine but will you at least stay until I leave?
Kelley: I will
Alex: I will
Ali: So will I
Ash: Well that means the 3 of us are staying too
Brad: I can't but I will see you at school
Me: okay bye babe see you soon.

The 7 of us went in and went to my room.

Ali: Ooh can I pick your outfit
Me: sure

I went to the bathroom and fixed my hair. I did my make-up and then went back to my room. Ashlyn and Tobin were playing FIFA, Kelley and Hope were watching and Ali and Alex were in my closet. I changed into what they picked out. I grabbed my soccer bag and cheer bag and walked out.

Hope: What time do you get home?Me: I should be home around 5

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Hope: What time do you get home?
Me: I should be home around 5.
Alex: Where do you want to go for dinner?
Me: do we want really fancy or only kinda?
Ali: ooh let's do really fancy.
Me: okay we can do Cotton. What time do you want to go?
Hope: let's do 7 or 7:30.
Me: I can make the reservations; we can meet here at 6:30.
Hope: okay now go so you're not late.
Me: alright well you guys can stay here or not. Lydia is here so she can make you guys breakfast or lunch if you want. My parents are also home and they should be up soon.
Ash: alright we will let you know what we do.
Me: okay bye guys.

I got in my car and went to school. I parked out front and went to the office to talk to Mr. Ainsworth.

Mr.A: Savannah, what can I do for you?
Me: Well I just got a new car and it technically isn't mine. It was gift but I'm not paying the insurance or gas on it and it can be taken back. That being said I can't put any stickers or decals on it which includes the parking sticker.
Mr.A: yes I heard that going around this morning. What car did you get?
Me: A custom black Audi R8.
Mr.A: wow well there will only be one of those. We can make you a reserved spot beside Coach Sanders over by the field house.
Me: Really! thank you
Mr.A: No problem, the bell is about to ring so go park there now and I will tell maintenance to make the sign today.
Me: Okay thank you

I went out and moved my car. I grabbed my bag and headed to first hour. I sat next to Brad and told him the plans for tonight. The rest of the day went by fast and I had soccer and then cheer before I headed home. I got home and showered. I talked to my mom while I dried my hair.

Mom: how was school?
Me: good but the amount of Happy Birthdays I got were overwhelming.
Mom: don't go on social media then.
Me: I know. Well the girls are coming at 6:30 and we are going to Cotton. You and dad are welcome to join
Mom: that's alright go with your friends. Your dad and I are going to the Walsworth's. We can go another night.
Me: okay I will see you later then

I went to my room and showered. I did my make-up and dried my hair. I put on my white dress and then Brad came in. Brad had on black dress pants and a white dress shirt with a black tie. The girls came in at 6:30. Hope had on a blue dress, Kelley had a black crop top with a flower skirt, Alex had on a black dress, Tobin had on a navy dress, Ali had a red dress, and Ashlyn was like Brad but with a red tie.

Me: wow we clean up nice. You guys can follow us to Cotton.

Brad and I got in my car and lead the way. I walked in and got our table.

Me: Solo for 8
Waiter: Right this way

We got to the table and put in our drink orders.

Alex: What are you guys getting for dinner?
Ali: Ash and I are getting the Salmon and shrimp.
Kelley: I'm getting the chicken marsala
Hope: The salmon
Brad: the sirloin
Me: me too but with shrimp
Alex: that's what I'm getting
Tobin: I'm getting the chicken marsala.

We ordered and talked about our trips. We finished and before we got dessert Hope spoke up.

Hope: So I have a surprise for you. Jill gave me a call yesterday and gave me the honor to tell you that The federation has decided to approve you to be on the National team with us.
Me: What really!
Alex: yes. Welcome to the team Baby Horse
Me: oh my gosh
Tobin: now you are the youngest player ever to be on this team.
Ali: And we have a game this December.

Dessert came and we ate and then payed the bill. We all went back to my house.

Me: how long are you guys here?
Hope: until Friday
Me: awe really?
Alex: yeah we have NWSL training still
Me: oh yeah well do you all want to come to our Varsity practice and scrimmage with us?
Tobin: yes! Alex and I are in.
Ash: We're in
Hope: Me too
Me: good then be at the high school at 2:20

After the girls left I changed and went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 3Where stories live. Discover now