Sunday September 20th

830 23 2

I woke up at 6 and got dressed. I got my bag ready and went down to breakfast. After I ate I checked out and went to the field. We started warming up and then Megan and I did captains. We got our break and took the field. The team we were playing was number 3 in the state. It was hard game and scoreless at halftime.

Woody: You are doing well at holding off. They are shutting down our wingers every time so let's try something different. Anybody have ideas?
Megan: we can try a through ball to Savannah?
Me: no they have me cover, but instead of the through ball pass it to my feet and I can flick it over the center backs and Meg you run onto it. When you shoot, shoot up and to the right corner.

We did our break and took the field. We didn't get a chance to do our plan until the last 10 minutes. I flicked it over and Megan ran. She took a touch and then shot. Megan scored the only goal and got us to the final. The final was at 1.

Megan and I went to lunch and then went and watched the other games. We were stopped a lot because of girls recognizing me and wanting pictures and autographs. After the last picture we made it to the field where Matt was playing. At halftime my phone started ringing. Hope was calling me.

Me: Hey Hope.
Hope: Hey Baby Horse I see you are in Baton Rouge.
Me: yeah I am playing with our U-18 travel team for the state cup. Their normal striker tore her ACL. So they asked me.
Hope: who wouldn't want you? Anyways I heard the U-20 has a game next Friday. Who do you play and are you going?
Me: yeah I'm going but I'm not sure who we are playing.
Hope: Oh well good luck Baby Horse.
Me: Thank you bye Hope.
Hope: Bye Baby Horse

I hung up with Hope and checked the time. It was 12 so Megan and I headed back to our field. We started warming up at 12:30. We got our side and the other team had kick off. Woody gave us a pep talk and we got our break. We took the field and started the game.

The other team Fire got the ball 10 yards out from our 18 before Allie got the ball cleared out. We got the ball and played it in the attacking 3rd. I got the ball again and beat their center defender. I took a shot 20 yards out. The keeper was off her line and it went it and went straight through the net. The team rushed me and celebrated.

Compton: Geez you even broke the net with that rocket.
Megan: come on let's get another stay focused

My goal opened the flood gates. Megan and Sam had a goal before halftime. In the second half I scored the only goal with a header off Megan's corner. The ref blew the whistle and the team dog piled me, Megan and Sam. Once they got off we shook hands and went to the awards booth. Everybody got medal and a small trophy. The team got a big trophy that Woody got to keep.

Compton: I'm proud of you all. For many of us this was our last season and we went out on top. To the younger players thank ya'll for helping us achieve this. 1 last break before it's all over and we drive home. 1...2...3...

We all hugged and said goodbye before heading to our cars. I walked with Megan back to our cars.

Megan: if you want I will ride with you so you're not by yourself.
Me: I'm good but thanks for the offer Megs.
Megan: Well drive safe.
Me: I will.

I took off my cleats and socks. I put on my tennis shoes and got in. I posted our team photo on twitter.

Me: SO glad I got the chance to play with my U-18 girls and win the State Title 1 last time. #blessed @LAwarning18.

I put my music on and headed home. I made it to West Point at 9 and I brought my stuff in. I put my clothes in the wash and put my trophy and medal on my shelf. I showered and went to bed by 11.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora