Monday August 31st

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sorry short chapter but Comment and Vote!! - Blaire

Monday came too soon and we were back at school. I opened the training room at 7 and started my day. Classes were normal and I went to cheer 7th hour. In cheer we are learning new dances for pep rallies. Nate came over to me and Kiley.

Nate: I want you two to do a tumbling pass and a pyramid but with a different sequence.
Me: okay

We got in our pyramid groups and Nate gave us a walk through. First we would round off into our groups and do a full up to a heel stretch. Then we switched legs before front flipping down and then going straight back up to hit a lib to a needle scorpion to finish. After practice I went home and had dinner before showering. I did homework and then went to bed.

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