Monday September 7th

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**^ Lydia^ Comment and Vote! - Blaire**

Brad picked me up at 7:10 and we went to Chick-Fil-A for breakfast. We got to school right as the bell rang and walked into the training room.

Kirk: Solo, Evans I need you two to go do water and then you can eat.
Brad: okay

We went and filled six water totes and then went back inside. We ate while Kirk explained the different machines to the class.  The bell rang and we went to 2nd hour. Barron's class went by fast and we headed to Garvin's class. We went to the rest of our classes and they went by quickly. Kiley and I changed and went to the gym for cheer. 10 minutes into cheer my phone rang and it was Kathrine so I had to answer.

Me: hello
Kat: Savannah, Nike is on the line about the photoshoot and I am adding you in.
Mike: Savannah this is Mike.
Me: oh hey Mike.
Mike: We have the photos ready to be released but we want a statement from you to release with it. Can you do this by tonight by say 10?
Me: yes I can
Mike: Great thank you. Once we have both we will release them on Thursday.

Mike hung up and It was just me and Kathrine.

Kathrine: Well just get that to me.
Me: I will well I have to go bye Kathrine.
Kathrine: bye Savannah

I set my phone down and went back. I told Kiley and our groups when the photos would be released. Practice ended and I walked to the football field. I put my bags in Brad's truck and then watched the practice. I helped clean up after practice and then Brad and I went to my house.  My mom was home and Lydia was still there making dinner.

Mom: I decide we are going to rehire Lydia full time again
Me: that is fine with me. How was Boston?
Mom: good and cold
Me: oh
Mom: yeah I am home for the next couple of weeks
Me: okay
Mom: Just letting you know.

Brad and I did homework and then ate dinner. Brad left and then I showered and went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 3Where stories live. Discover now