Saturday September 19th

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so thing about my coach later in the chapter is actually true and Julie follows her on Instagram. Anyways sorry for the wait ~Blaire

I got home at 3:15am and packed my soccer bag and extra clothes. I left the house by 4am. I drove all the way down to Baton Rouge and got there around 9:30am. I didn't have to be at the field until 10:30. I checked into my hotel, got something to eat, changed and headed to the field. Most of the team was the 7 seniors from my high school, Therese, Megan, Conner and Me who were juniors, and 3 seniors from Bolden high school.

Megan: Savannah!

Me: hey, are you as tired as I am

Megan: I slept on the way here.

Me: I hate you I drove myself

Megan: yeah that does suck. Did your mom leave?

Me: she does tomorrow morning

Megan: oh well at least it's not hot out.

Me: true.

Our coach came over and we started our warmups. We did touches and possession before shooting. I only took half shots and then Woody called us over.

Woody: okay ladies, the other team based on warm ups are all over the place. It looks like they only have two strong players. Get to the play first and play smart. Line-up is keeper is Therese, back 4 are Adrianna, Compton, Allie, Jessica, midfield is Megan, Connor, Paige, wingers are Sam, Haley and up top Savannah. Captain is Megan.

We lined up and then game started. We won the game 4-0. I scored twice one on a header and the other a long shot, Sam and Megan each had one goal. We did a cool down and then went to have a late lunch. Megan and I went to Subway. People are starting to recognize me and are staring.

Megan: isn't that weird?

Me: what?

Megan: people staring and taking pictures of you?

Me: a little. I guess I don't really notice anymore.

Kim: I'm glad you haven't changed though
Me: thank you Mrs. Kim
Megan: Well our next game is at 5 so let's go take a nap.
Me: yes please

We went back to the hotel and Megan and I went to my room to take our nap. We woke up almost 2 hours later and got ready.

Megan: hey my mom said you could ride with us if you want
Me: okay I will

We got our bags and Mrs. Kim drove us to the field. We were early so went ahead and walked to the field so we could watch the game that was playing. We put on our cleats and shin guards. Woody came and sat down next to us.

Woody: Hey how was Brazil?
Me: it was so fun. Brazil is so pretty. Also the drinking age there is 16 but we didn't indulge since we were playing.
Woody: how was training with the national team?
Me: crazy. They are all so talented and focused.
Woody: I grew up with Julie Johnston and Sydney Leroux in Arizona. They were on the older team that we trained with sometimes. She was always 100 percent in practice.
Me: She still is and that's so cool I didn't know that.
Woody: yeah well there are the rest of the girls lets warm up.

We moved to the open space and set our bags down. We started warming up and once the game on the field ended we moved. We put our bags by the bench and went to take shots. The refs called for captains and Megan and I went. We got the side we wanted and went back. We put on the captain bands and joined our team on the field. We got our break and then got in positions. The game started and we won 2-0. Megan and I had both goals.

Woody: good job ladies. Our next game is at 8 be here at 7:15 on field 7.

We packed up and we headed to the car. I saw Woody and caught up with her.

Me: Hey Woody do you want to go to dinner with Megan and me so you're not by yourself?
Woody: sure where are we going?
Me: Joe's or Texas roadhouse.
Woody: ooh let's do Texas Roadhouse. Where are you two staying?
Me: Wyngarden
Woody: I am too
Me: alright well let's go to the hotel and change we have time
Woody: alright we can meet in the lobby at 8
Me: okay see you then bye Woody.

We went back to the hotel and got changed. We went down to the lobby and met Woody. Woody was going to ride with me while Megan and her mom went in their car. I drove Woody and me to Texas Roadhouse and we went in.

Waitress: how many?
Me: 4
Waitress: the wait will be around 30 minutes is that okay?
Me: that's fine
Waitress: name?
Me: Solo
Waitress: as in Solo the soccer players Hope and Savannah?
Me: yes Hope is not here though.
Waitress: There is no wait then follow me.
Me: uh okay thank you.

We got our table and sat down. We got our drinks and put our orders in.

Woody: Well everybody knows you
Me: Yeah I know
Megan: good I am starving.
Kim: so when in your next national thing?
Me: I have a U-20 three day camp and then a game in Colorado the 27th through the 2nd.
Megan: oh I meant to ask where were you Monday?
Me: flying back from Germany.
Kim: Germany why were you there?
Me: You can't tell anybody but I had a meeting with Audi.
Woody: don't tell me they're giving you a car aren't they?
Me: yeah they are. It's the same deal they gave some of the guy U-23 players
Woody: holy crap
Megan: what the heck!
Me: yeah I know, Well Woody how is your teaching going?

Our food finally came and we talked about Woody's teaching. Megan and I 'shared' a dessert, she only had two bites.

Woody: I don't mean this rudely but holy crap how did you eat all of that?
Me: Hyper-metabolism
Woody: Which is?
Me: my metabolism if too fast for my body so I have to eat like every 2 hours or more than enough at meals. If I don't I lose weight
Woody: curse and a blessing.
Me: it is

We paid the bill and went back to the hotel. I went to my room and showered and went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 3Where stories live. Discover now