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That night Isaac and I were told to go straight to the hospital so we got in the car and went straight there, only to find water on the floor and power lines sparking we got out of the car, I managed to avoid the water but Isaac stepped right into it, Kira was telling everyone to get back when all he did was slightly put his foot into it and his whole body was electrocuted "Isaac!" I cried "Isaac get up" I screamed in hope he would just heal and be okay, but he didn't. Kira got up and jumped over a car and into the water, she took the sparking wire in her hand and put her other one over her and took all the electricity inside of her, the water was no longer electric which allowed me to run into it along with Derek, "Isaac" I said "he's not breathing, Scott he's not breathing" Derek shouted "no no no" I whispered "come on come on" I said the doctors came an put him on a stretcher and my mom held my hand, they took Isaac into the ICU where I wasn't allowed to go, I tried to explain that I'm all he has, but they wouldn't listen, my mom tried to tell me to go home but I wouldn't have any of it, so instead she hugged me, and told me she'd get me coffee.

I haven't slept in my bed in three days, I've only been home to shower, I haven't had a proper meal in 3 days. Isaac hasn't woken up. Stiles is the nogitsune, and he's missing which is just great, I haven't been to school, I'm a mess, I physically hurt, I can feel his pain. I was sleeping on one of the hospital chairs when my mom and Scott came and woke me. I awoke with a shock and sat up quickly "is he awake? Can I see him?" I asked quickly "no baby, not yet" my mom said and put her hand on my shoulder "they still won't let me see him mom" I said "I've got a keycard" my mom said and opened the door for Scott and I "be quick" she said and we walked in slowly. He looked awful, Scott grabbed my hand and I took a deep breath in, my baby, my werewolf lying in a hospital bed "I thought he'd be healing by now" I managed to get out "so did I" Scott said and we got closer to him, Scott put his hand on his arm "is he in pain?" I asked Scott and Scott took a breath and took a lot of his pain, and Scott now looked like he was in pain "it won't heal him, but it will help with the pain" Scott said and I sighed "did stiles really do this?" I asked "whatever's controlling him did it whatever's inside him" Scott replied "well then how do we get whatever's inside him, the hell out of him" I asked "I'm working on it sis" he said and hugged me he left the room to let me have a moment alone with Isaac "I don't know if you can hear me" I said and grabbed the hand that wasn't burnt "please please get better, I need you to be better, stiles is the nogitsune, whatever's inside him did this, Scott's going to try and get it out of him, but please just get better, I love you, I need you, I tried to go home one night and to stay there, but even my bed doesn't feel right without you there, baby please, I'll be waiting when you wake up" I said and lightly kissed his cheek. I let go of his hand and walked out of the room. As soon as the door was shut I put my hand over my mouth and burst into tears, my mom rushed over to me "honey come here" she said and wrapped her arms around me "mom it hurts so bad to see him like this, he's not healing mom, I can't lose him, I love him" I cried onto her shoulder, her hand began to rub my back "sweetheart I know, he'll be fine I know he will, Isaacs a fighter and he's not going to give up, especially when he's got such a beautiful girl waiting for him" she said and kissed my forehead "I love you mom" I said and cuddled into her "I love you too my baby girl" she replied.

I stayed at the hospital all night again, and when Scott came in I was delighted to see my brother "Deaton poisoned Stiles with a weird lichen, and his dad's taking him to Eichen house I'm meeting them there, but I brought you some food" he said whilst handing me a McDonald's bag "twenty chicken nuggets, fries, Diet Coke and barbecue sauce" he said and sat down next to me "thank you" I said and began eating my chicken nuggets he sat down next to me and began to eat his we ate in silence for a while until he spoke up "Isaacs going to be fine you know" he said "I really hope so" I said and continued eating my food "you know I love you sis" he said and put his arm around my shoulder "I love you too" I replied, soon enough we finished our food an he had to leave to go to Eichen house, we said our goodbyes and I resumed to just worrying.

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