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The next day we did our usual routines and made our way to school, our first class was econ with Coach Finstock, and stiles came in just as the belle rang, as he walked in a girl was sat in his seat, she's deaf, a lovely girl but she doesn't have many friends, Stiles walked up to her. "Hi, uh, I usually sit there" he said and she said something in sign language and he looked baffled "okay, no problem, it's all yours" he finished and sat in the seat in front of me. I giggled and he mumbled a shut up to me. He stared at the front and didn't even try to make a joke, he put his head on the desk and coach began talking, he spotted Stiles with his head on the desk. "Stilinski, are you paying attention back there?" Coach asked and Stiles didn't even lift his head up. Coach put his whistle in his mouth and blew on it causing all of us to flinch, Stiles shot his head up "Stilinski! I asked you a question" Coach shouted "uh sorry coach what was it?" Stiles asked "it was, Stilinski, are you paying attention back there?" Coach said "oh, well I am now" Stiles said looking down "Stilinski, stop reminding me why I drink.... Every night, does anyone else want to answer the question on the board?" Coach said and carried on, I kicked Stiles' foot and Scott and I both looked at him with a worried expression "I'm okay, I just fell asleep for a second" Stiles said and I began to grow confused? He was writing as his head was down, he couldn't have been asleep "dude you weren't asleep" Scott said and stiles looked down at his note book.

At lunch, Isaac, myself, Scott, Allison, Stiles and Lydia were sat on a bench outside seeing as it's summer now.

"Okay, so what happens when someone has a near death experience, and comes out of it seeing things" Scott asked "and is unable to tell the difference between what's real and not" Stiles continued "and is being haunted by demonic visions of dead relatives" Allison finished off "they're all locked up, because they're insane" Isaac said and I hit his arm and he hissed "hah, can you at least try to be helpful.. Please" stiles said "for half of my childhood I was locked in a freezer so being helpful is kind of a new thing for me" Isaac said "are we still milking that?" stiles said "yeah we are still milking that" Isaac said I was about to reply when I was interrupted by Kira, "hi, uh sorry, I couldn't help overhearing what you guys were talking about, and I think I might actually might know what you guys are taking about, there is a Tibetan word for it, it's called Bardo, it literally means in between state, in between life and death" she said very awkwardly "and what do they call you?" Lydia asked and Scott answered for her "Kira" and we all looked at him I raised my eyebrow "she's in our history class" Scott said "so are you talking Bardo as in Tibetan Buddhism or Indian?" Lydia asked, Kira said down. "Either I guess, but what you guys were talking about all that happens in Bardo, they're different progressive states, where you can have hallucinations, some you see, some you don't, and you can be visited by peaceful of wrathful daeties" Kira said "wrathful daeties? What are those?" Isaac asked "like demons" Kira replied "demons, why not" Stiles piped up "hold on, if they're different progressive states, what's the last one?" I asked "death, you die" Kira replied, and we all awkwardly laughed and I rested my head onto Isaacs shoulder.

That night we were all at home, by we I mean, Scott and I, Isaac was out getting Chinese for us all because he is my absolute love. I was in my room studying when I heard Scott and my dad arguing, I ran down the stairs to find out what dad had done, because let's face it, what has he done right with the both of us. "No one invited you here. Dad!" Scott shouted "yeah well I'm here and I'm going to help" my dad replied as I came down the stairs "that doesn't make any sense dad, who are you helping? Just get out!"Scott replied and the door began to open and I prayed it was mom because Isaac really doesn't need to walk into this "Scott" my dad said "what? Dad, I can't believe you'd do this to my best friend" Scott said and I grew confused. "I'm not doing it to your friend, I'm doing my job" dad replied "your job sucks" Scott replied and mom walked in and I walked over to her "some days I can't argue with that" dad replied "can somebody please tell me what the hell is going on?" My mom piped up "he's trying to get Stiles' dad fired" Scott said "you're what?!" I shouted "no Daisy that's not true" dad replied "what are you doing?" My mom asked "conducting a case for inpagement" my dad replied "sounds a lot like getting him fired" my mom said whilst putting her hand on her hip "lack of resolution and inability to close cases is what's going to get him fired, my job is just to collect the information" my dad replied "your job sucks" both mom and I said, I looked at Scott and his claws were coming out "Scott" I said "sweetheart, calm down" mom said and we walked towards him to hide them, mom took his hands in hers and I looked at dad "come with me right now" mom said and pulled him into the hall. Leaving me with my father. "I think maybe it's best if you left... Right now" I said looking up at him "Daisy, you know I don't want to do this" he said walking towards me and I took a step back "I don't know you at all dad, all I know is that you know how to leave your kids" I replied, crossing my arms "come on Daisy, I thought we were past this" he replied "you left us, for almost 10 years and you suddenly think we're past it? Please, you've done enough damage for one night" I said and he sighed knowing I had a point, he looked at me one more time and left. As he left Isaac walked in holding a bag of Chinese food. "What the hell happened here?" Isaac asked "my dad, causing drama, as per usual." I said and he sighed. Scott and my mom came out from the hall and Scott grabbed a flashlight "I'm going to Stiles' place, I'm not letting sheriff Stilinski down" Scott said "at this time?" I asked looking at the clock on the wall it was 11:58 "so? Bye baby sis, I'll call you if I need you" he said and kissed mine and moms forehead but left Isaac out. "But, I brought Chinese" Isaac replied "mom will have it" I added "oh yes I will" she said and grabbed the bag, I giggled and we watched TV and ate Chinese until we got tired and went to bed.

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