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We had to stop for the night because the cross country meet was moved to tomorrow, so we stopped at a motel, called glen Capri

We piled off the bus and took a look at it "I've seen worse" Scott said giving it a funny look whilst Lydia, Allison and I all looked at it disgusted "where have you seen worse" stiles asked Scott. Coach blew the whistle "listen up, the meets been moved till tomorrow, this is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves, get in groups, choose wisely, and I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants, got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves especially you two, McCall and Lahey" Coach said pointing at the both of us, my cheeks flushed bright pink,and we all got keys "I don't like this place" Lydia said, hesitating to walk in "I don't think the people who own this place, like this place" Allison replied "it's just for a night" I added "a lot can happen in one night" Lydia said looking scared.

We got to the room thing and we looked around, I walked into the bathroom and I could smell something.  I began to sniff things like the towels and I pulled my nose away straight away "guys, our towels smell of nicotine" I said "ew gross, I thought we were in a non smoking room" Allison said "so did I" I replied "I'll go down and ask for new ones" Lydia said, I left to go to see Isaac.

I knocked on his room door and he answered almost instantly. "Hey" I said "come in" he said "where's Boyd?" I asked as I walked in "He's gone to the vending machine" he said and I nodded "I only came for one thing" I said getting closer too him "oh really, and what was that?" He asked while grabbing my waist "this" I whispered and crashed my lips onto his, his lips moved against mine and I felt on cloud nine. I reluctantly pulled away and sighed " I have to get back, Lydia's gone to get new towels and Allison didn't want to be alone, I'll talk to you later" I said "I love you" he said "I love you too" I said as I walked out.

I walked back into our room and Allison was out of the shower and was on the phone to her dad I'm assuming  and Lydia wasn't back yet "no, no it's okay, we're at a motel" she said and then there was a pause "yeah yeah, it's not great but it's just for a night" she continued and there was another pause I began to take my makeup off "the Glen Capri, you know it?" She asked and there was a pause again"no dad seriously it's okay" she said and there was another pause "I know" she whispered. Once I'd taken my makeup off I walked back in the room just as Lydia did.

"One hundred and ninety eight?" I asked when Lydia told us about the suicides in the motel "yes, and we're talking forty years, on average that's about 4.95 a yeah, which is to be expected, but who comes up with a framed number" Lydia rambled "all suicides?" Allison asked "yes" Lydia said "we're talking throat cutting, hanging, pill popping, barrels of a shot gun in the mouth, I don't know about you but me I-" Lydia stopped mid sentence "did you hear that?" Lydia asked "hear what" I asked and she turned around and stood on the bed staring intently at the vent "Lydia" Allison said "oh god" she mumbled and she stepped back with her hand over her mouth "what is it Lydia?what happened?" I asked "did you hear that?" Lydia asked, Allison and I both shook our heads "the two people in the other room, they shot each other" Lydia said with tears spiking from her eyes and she ran out of the room "Lydia" I shouted and we ran after her.

We got to the room and she opened the door, wait, it was actually open, no lock, nothing. When she opened the door there was plastic everywhere, like they were renovating "hello?" Lydia asked and tried to turn the light on, she began to walk in "Lydia, what are you doing?" Allison asked "hello?" Lydia asked as we followed her in and she found a light, all we saw were pots of paints and ladders "it had to be right here"Lydia said "it was a guy and a girl, they sounded younger but they were right here" she continued "I believe you" allison said "after everything we've been through I believe you" I said and she turned to look at the wall and she walked closer too it. "Lydia, come on let's go back" Allison said and we went back to the room.

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