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So it's like a week later and we had to run cross country which is literally so easy because before all of this wolf stuff happened I did track. The twins; Ethan and Aiden have been tormenting Isaac getting him mad and stuff like that, he gets so angry and it's scary.

Isaac was tying his shoes when the twins were behind him the whistle blew and everyone began to run, but me and Scott waited for Isaac, after the twins ran he got angry and began to shake "Isaac" I said and he looked at me "Isaac wait" Scott shouted and put his hand on his shoulder "pace yourselves" coach said "it's them"Isaac said and took off "Isaac wait"me and Scott shouted. We began to chase him, obviously Scotts faster because wolf and all that but I was still fast. We saw Ethan and Aiden holding Isaac Scott ran up and I could just make out what Aiden said "Ethan I always forget, how many bones in the human body?" Aiden asked Ethan "I don't know lets count" Ethan said and Scott ran up and punched Ethan "that's one" he said as he stopped "oh for god sake" I mumbled and Isaac got up and drew their claws. They were about to fight and we heard a scream and obviously we ran towards it.

There was a boy and he was strangled up against a tree. I pulled my hand over my mouth and squeezed my eyes shut. "It's him isn't it" stiles said.

"Hey get out of the way get back... Get this area cornered off, before they trample every piece of evidence" sheriff Stilinski said "Everyone back!" Another police officer said. Sheriff Stilinski told us to go back to school. "You heard the man, nothing to see here, it's probably just some homeless kid" Coach said "coach, he's a senior" Scott said and coach put his hand over his mouth "he wasn't on the team was he?" Coach asked and a girl who I'm assuming was his girlfriend began to scream and cry.

"Did you see the way the twins looked at him?" Isaac asked "yeah you mean like they had no idea what happened?" Stiles asked "no, no, they new" Isaac said "the kid was strangled with a garrat, am I the only one noticing the lack of werewolfitude in these murders?" Stiles said "so you think it's a coincidence that they turn up and people start dying?" Isaac retorted "well no but I still don't think it's them" stiles said "Scott?" Isaac asked him "I don't know yet" Scott said "you don't know yet?" Stiles said "well he's got a point, seriously dude, human sacrifices?" Scott said "Scott your eyes turn into yellow glow sticks, hair grows from your cheeks and then will immediately disappear and if I were to stab you right now it would magically heal but you're telling me you're having trouble grasping human sacrifices?" stiles ranted "that's a good point too" Scott said "I don't care, they killed that kid, they killed the girl that saved me, and I'm going to kill them too" Isaac said and walked further forward. "Isaac talk to me" I shouted and ran after him "Dais, I heard what Aiden said about you, about how he'd rip your clothes off, and they killed that kid, and the girl that saved my life, you're mine and nobody talks about what's mine like that" Isaac said "Isaac they merge together to make one massive alpha, baby please, you can't get hurt" I said "I promise I won't" he said and kissed my forehead and walked into the boys locker room.

We were in chemistry with Mr Harris droning on about momentum. Scott was trying to talk to him and he kept ignoring him and Allison was sending me notes.
"Mr Harris can I use the bathroom please?" Isaac asked and mr Harris nodded and pointed to the door. "I have to go to the bathroom too" Scott said "one at a time" Mr Harris said

I opened a note from Allison and it said "did you and Isaac have a fun time the other night;)" and I accidentally laughed out loud "Miss McCall, is that a note I see? That's a detention" he said and I rolled my eyes.

We heard a crash and began to run out of the classroom, and I saw Isaac and one of the twins was on the floor. "What is this? What is going on" Mr Harris said as we liked out of the classroom "you all alright?" Danny asked Ethan "yeah he just came at me" Ethan said which obviously wasn't true "Isaac what the hell did you do" Mr Harris asked Isaac looked at me. Mr Harris gave Isaac a detention and yeah. Looks like we're both in detention.

I was stood at my locker with Scott and Isaac "it's just a lunchtime detention, if all they want is to piss you off, don't let them, they're just trying to get to you" Scott said "it's not just me" Isaac said nodding over to Lydia and Aiden, it looked like he was trying to ask her out "he's not even hot" I replied "good" Isaac said and we both turned to look at Scott staring at them "what?" Scott said when he noticed us both looking at him staring at them "and now he's getting to you" Isaac said.

(Let's just pretend Allison and Isaac never happened k? k)
I was sat behind Isaac in detention and Mr Harris was giving out punishments "the two of you will wash all the boards in this hall, you two reshelving in the library, and you re stocking the janitors closet" Mr Harris finished

"What the hell happened" I asked him as soon as we got in there "I don't even know, I walked out and they Ethan began hitting Aiden and I was just stood there" he replied and held in his breath "oh god I hate small spaces" he added "you okay?" I asked and he nodded. Suddenly the door slammed shut "no, no, no" Isaac said and began jiggling the door handle "Isaac relax" I said he began punching the door "Isaac stop it" I said "there's something against it" he said he punched harder and harder "Isaac!" I screamed he looked at me with his fangs drawn and his eyes were yellow "Isaac please stop" I asked he growled and came closer he shook me and I had tears down my face "Isaac stop" I cried and I felt the shelf cut my arm "ISAAC" I screamed. The door opened to reveal Scott, Isaac growled again and Scott pushed him to the floor and had to scream at him "ISAAC" he screamed and Isaac went back to normal "Dais I'm so sorry" he said "it's fine, I'm fine" I said as Scott looked at my arm "it wasn't his fault" I said "I know" Scott said "I'm so so sorry Dais, I didn't mean too" Isaac said "I'm okay" I said as more tears rolled down my face "well now we know they don't want to just get you angry they want to get someone hurt" Scott said "so are we going to do something?" Isaac asked "yeah, I'm gonna get them angry" Scott said and walked away. Isaac stood up and walked towards me, he went to touch my arm and I flinched, he saw and began to walk away, sadness was evident in his eyes "Isaac wait" I shouted after him and ran towards him "I- I just need a moment" I said he kissed my cheek and nodded and left.

Isaac and I were fixing the twins bike so Isaac could ride it in the hall he sat on it "okay, pull back with the left hand, pull down to put in gear, break throttle, try not to crash" I said to him "yeah been there done that" he said and I got my phone out to take a picture and I sent it to Scott. We'd taken some bits of the bike out so that it would look really bad

"Get off my bike" Aiden shouted and I laughed "no problem" Isaac said and did a front flip over him and he stood next to me with Scott "you have got to be kidding me, you do realise this is going to result in a suspension" Ms Blake said and I giggled will Isaac and Scott smirked and Aiden gave us death glares.

That night I was sat on my bed studying when I heard a knock on my door "mom I'm studying" I said "I'm not your mom" Isaac said "oh, hey" I said giving him a smile "I was wondering if I could ask you a favour" Isaac said "of course" I replied "Derek kicked me out because of Cora, can I stay here for a while" he asked "yeah, my mom loves you" I said "can we talk about earlier" Isaac asked I nodded and he sat on my bed "you know I would never hurt you intentionally, it's the claustrophobia, I swear to god I would never hurt you, and I would never want you being scared of me" Isaac said "I know, I'm sorry, I- I just I'm not scared of you, I know you wouldn't hurt me intentionally, you just frightened me a little" I said "I love you, you know that?" He said "I know, and I love you too" I replied, he smashed his lips against mine and he led me down on the bed, and well, we had a fun night.

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