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The next day at school I met up with Allison and Lydia, it was Lydia's first day back at school after everything, you know, her going missing, and then turning up naked. It felt good to have her back. "You really don't remember anything?" I asked as we walked into school. "They called it a few stay. Which is basically their way of saying we have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days. But personally. I don't care. I lost nine pounds" Lydia replied and Allison and I let out a small laugh. "Are you ready for this?" Allison asked, looking at Lydia "please. It's not like my aunts a serial killer" Lydia said and walked in. I patted Allison's arm, I know it's still a touchy subject. We then made our way into school behind Lydia. When we got inside, everyone. And I mean everyone had stopped and was staring at Lydia. It was awkward to say the least. "Maybe it's the nine pounds?" I whispered to Lydia. She didn't reply, she just flicked her hair and walked forward in her usual queen bee manner. "And... She's back" Allison said and I giggled as we followed Lydia.

My next class was chemistry again with Mr Harris. I sit the opposite side of the room to my brother and Stiles and I could hear them talking. Idiots. "Everyone please turn to page seventy three." Mr Harris said and Stiles threw a paper ball at his head and Scott and Stiles pointed to each other. They're doing it on purpose. Mr Harris sent them both to the principles office and they both left. I put my hand up and Mr Harris sighed "yes miss McCall?" He asked and I gulped "can I go to the bathroom?"I asked and he sighed again and nodded. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran after the two idiots.

I caught up to them and ran in the middle of the two of them. "What's going on?" I asked, my eyes darting between the two of them "today at lacrosse practice, Scott said he could sense another werewolf, turns out that werewolf is Isaac. And now his dad's dead, the police think he's a suspect and can hold him overnight for twenty four hours, tonight's the full moon, this could be very very bad." Stiles managed to get that all into one breath. My jaw dropped in an "o" form as we walked to the principles office. We sat down and tried to listen in, but Scott was the only one able to do that.

After a while of trying to listen Stiles' dad and a deputy came out. Stiles made an effort to conceal himself which failed. "Oh god" I mumbled and sunk into my seat. "Hi Scott, hi Daisy." Stilinski said and Scott and I both awkwardly waved. Stilinski sighed and walked away.

Gerard came out of the office. He's the new principle? What? "Boys" he said and nodded at me "yeah I'm going to leave now, Scott I'll talk to mom" I said standing up making up a little white lie about how my mom needed to talk to us.

After the bell had rung Scott ran out of the office, I was at my locker and he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him, we got to the front of the school where I saw Isaac in the police car looking straight at Scott. The police car drove away and Scott sighed. We went to walk back into the school, when Derek turned up in a black sports car. "Get in" Derek said to the both of us "are you serious? You did that, that's your fault" Scott said lifting his arms up "I know that. Now get in the car and help me." Derek said. Derek Hale, asking for help? What is life. "No I've got a better idea. I'm going to call a lawyer because a lawyer might actually have a chance at getting him out before the full moon goes up" Scott said as he walked down the stairs, me hot on his tail. "Not when they do a real search of the house" Derek said and I grew confused "what do you mean?"(JB af) I asked him "whatever Jackson said to the cops, what's in the house is worse. A lot worse." Derek said and opened the door for us. Scott sighed as we got in.

Derek took us to Isaacs place and gave us flashlights. He took us inside and opened the basement door. "You wanna learn?" Derek asked as we looked down inside the basement "start now" he finished and Scott walked in first me following swiftly behind him. "What's down there" Scott asked as we made our way down the stairs "motive" Derek replied and I swallowed a lump in my throat. "What am I looking for?" Scott asked as I looked around, my eyes adjusting to the lack of light. "Follow your senses" Derek replied. I have none I thought but didn't say. We looked around, it was a mess, broken things over the floor "what happened down here?" I asked as we looked "the kind of thing that leaves an impression." Derek replied as we looked around. Scott looked at the wall and moved towards it, I followed him and looked closer. Scratch marks. Oh my god. Scott stood up straight and looked forward, I mirrored his actions and saw a freezer. With a lock on. Scott shakily twiddled the lock. Suddenly a flashlight turned on causing Scott and I to jump, only to reveal Derek. "Open it" Derek said indicating to the freezer. Scott pulled the lock off and slowly opened the freezer revealing even more scratch marks. Oh my god, Isaac, I can't believe he's been through all of this. "This is why he said yes to you?" Scott said indicating Isaac allowing Derek to bite him. "Everyone wants power" Derek replied with a curt not "if we help you. Then you have to stop. You can't just go around turning people into werewolves" Scott practically shouted at him. "I can if they're willing." Derek replied and I rolled my eyes. He can be such a douchebag. "Did you tell Isaac about the Argents? About being hunted?" Scott asked with his eyebrows raised "yes and he still asked" Derek replied "then he's an idiot!" Scott shouted and I nodded "And you're the idiot dating Argents daughter... Yeah I know your little secret and if I know? How long do you think it's going to take for them to find out." Derek replied. He had a point. A very valid point actually. "You saw what happens to an omega. With me you learn how to use all of your senses. With me you learn control. Even on a full moon." Derek replied holding Scotts wrist. Which showed his claws "if I'm with you I lose her." Scott said indicating to Allison. "You're gonna lose her anyway. You know that" Derek said and began to walk away. "Wait." Scott began "I'm not part of your pack. But I want him out. He's my responsibility too." Scott said and I grew confused "why? Because he's one of us? Because he's innocent." Scott replied. Derek soon left and Scott told me to leave him in the basement until Allison gets here because he was feeling the effects of the moon. Allison soon got here and she hugged me "where is he?" She asked as we pulled away. "The basement, he won't let me go down there." I replied and she nodded. "I'll go, keep watch to make sure no one see's we're here" she replied and I nodded as she walked down into the basement, whilst I kept watch.

She soon came back up the stairs and was breathing heavily. "He's locked in the freezer" Allison said as she shut the basement door. I nodded and walked towards her. We walked around the house a little until her flashlight began to stop working. She looked at me and I gulped. We stood next to the kitchen island until I heard a hiss, Allison and I shared a look to say "did you hear that?" We looked behind us slowly to see what it was. When I turned around I saw a creature with scales, fangs. I let out a screech as did Allison. Allison pulled me behind her and she got a knife from the counter "come on" she said quietly as if she was egging it on when it didn't move she screamed "COME ON!" She shouted. Scott burst out of the basement and jumped in front of us. The creature crawled up on the ceiling, and hissed, it took one look at Scott and ran out of the house. All three of us breathing heavily. "What the hell was that?" Allison asked and I swallowed a lump in my throat "I don't know" Scott replied with a shake of his head.

After a while we all headed home to actually get some sleep considering we all had school the next day.

The next day at school we had gym class, we were climbing a wall to get to the top. I was against Danny and I beat him by a little. Next up was Stiles and Erica. Stiles beat Erica easily and she stopped, she was heavily breathing and looked like she was having a panic attack. She's epileptic after all.
"Erica? Dizzy? Is it vertigo?" Coach asked and she didn't reply, Lydia rolled her eyes "vertigo is a disfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out ." Lydia replied crossing her arms. "Erica." Coach shouted up at her "I'm fine" she replied, you could hear it in her voice that she wasn't fine. "Coach maybe it's not safe, you know she's epileptic." I told coach and he shook his heat "wait what? Why didn't anybody tell me this stuff?... Erica! You're fine. Just kick off the wall and there is a mat to catch you come on." Coach told her and she kicked off hesitantly and slowly came down off the wall. "It's fine, shake it off, you're fine." Coach told her. Some people laughed which was so rude and horrible. I'm sure she's a lovely girl.

Class was over and we were all getting changed, I was ready, so was Allison, we were just waiting for Lydia to be ready. I heard a scream and so did everyone else, we ran into the gym to find Scott catching Erica. She was fitting on the floor. "Put her on her side." Allison told him and he did as she was told "how'd you know?" I asked and he shrugged "I just felt it" he replied. Erica went to the hospital and came back looking like a completely different person. She's been bitten.

After school Lydia and I went to Allison's place. We were going ice skating. Lydia was sat on Allison's chair and I was sat on her bed, we were laughing until her dad knocked on the door. "You headed out?" He asked her "just studying"Allison replied and he nodded for her to walk over and for them to talk. Lydia and I continued talking and messing around.

We made our way to the ice rink and I grabbed my skates. Fun fact I used to figure skate before all of this supernatural stuff happened. I put them on and went straight onto the rink and I was skating around and spinning, as was Lydia, that's how we became bestfriends when we were four. Scott fell over as soon as he got on the ice. I was skating around when Lydia stopped. She started screaming and stiles and I ran to her stiles but she wouldn't stop screaming.

We finally got her to calm down and we took her home. And that was my night

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