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As the first day back at school rolled around the corner, I hadn't seen Isaac at all, 5 days it's been since Derek had him go on some Wolfy business, that I wasn't allowed to know about.

I felt missing without him, To say the least. My best friend and boyfriend. I just hope that Derek has made sure he's safe.

The night before school I was in Lydia's car with Allison and of course Lydia. We were currently talking about Lydia setting herself and Allison up with these guys "it is not a double date!" Lydia insisted, and I smile formed on my lips "it is a group thing" she continued causing me to snicker. "Do they know it's a group thing? Cause I told you that I'm not ready to get back out there." Allison said, Lydia rolled her eyes at Allisons comment "you were in France and didn't do any dating for four months?" Lydia rhetorically asked "did you?" Allison retorted and I giggled "I mean after J-" Allison began to say but Lydia cut her off swiftly "Do not say his name." Lydia replied a small frown visible on her lips "is he okay? I mean, did everything work out?" Allison asked and I rolled my eyes "well the doctors looked like total idiots when he turned up alive, but everyone got over it." I said and Allison nodded "and yes, Derek taught him the werewolf 101, like how not to randomly kill people during a full moon." Lydia added on to my statement, Allison gave a small laugh. "So then you've talked to him?" Allison asked and Lydia shook her head "uh, not since he left for London" Lydia replied "you mean since his dad moved him to London" I added "whatever, he left. And seriously, an American werewolf in london? Like that's not gonna be a disaster." Lydia replied and I nodded, she had a very good point. "So you're totally over him?" Allison asked yet again "would I be going on a double date if I wasn't?" Lydia snapped, causing Allison and I to burst out laughing "yes, it is a double date. It's not an orgy. Allison you'll live" Lydia finished. This only made me laugh more.

We pulled up at a stop light when Allison gasped "oh my god. Oh my god oh my god oh my god. I can't see him, not now." Allison panicked, who? Lydia and I looked out the window where I saw my brother and Stiles. "Lydia go, just go" Allison rushed her and I smiled "but the light" Lydia said and rolled her eyes. She stepped on the pedal and skipped the red light. I laughed at Lydia. Allison sighed as we got farther away from them "you alright?" I asked her and Allison nodded. "Lydia stop, we need to go back I need to talk to them." Allison said and Lydia stopped the car. "They stopped too." I said and we all looked at each other. "Why would they stop?" Allison asked "it's stiles and Scott. Do you really wanna try applying logic to those two?" Lydia asked and I faced the front of the car. "Guys what the hell is that?" I asked growing scared and the animal running towards the car. Allison and Lydia turned around and began screaming as the animal literally jumped through the windshield. Glass was flying everywhere, we were all screaming as glass scratched us here and there.

We quickly jumped out of the car gasping for air. Scott quickly ran to me and had his hands on my shoulders. "You okay sis?" He asked and I nodded quickly, he then went to Allison "are you okay?" He asked her. "It came out of nowhere"Lydia stated and the two boys looked at the three of us to check for injury's "are you hurt?" Stiles asked. "It ran right into us" I said bringing my hand to my forehead. "Are you okay?"Scott asked Allison again. "I'm okay." She said and I nodded. "Well I'm not okay!" Lydia stated taking a breath. "I am totally freaking out. How the hell does it just run into us?... I saw it's eyes right before it hit us. It was like it-- it was like it was crazy." Lydia stated and I walked to the front of the car with Scott where the deer was dying on the car. "No it was scared." Scott replied. I gasped at the sight and hid my face in my brothers shoulder. Scott put his hand on the deers neck "actually... terrified." Scott said and wrapped his arm around me.

The next day really was the first day back at school, and still no sign of Isaac. Scott and I made our way to school, he went to find Stiles, whilst I went to my locker. When I got there, Lydia and Allison were already waiting for me. We exchanged greetings and I opened my locker "freshmen... tons and tons of fresh men" Lydia said looking around the hall, and the new freshmen who were making there way around school. "You mean fresh boys." I replied causing Allison to smirk. "Lydia they're fourteen" Allison added to my statement. "Eh, some are more mature than others." Lydia said and I rolled my eyes "you know, it's okay to be single. Focus on yourself for a little while, work on becoming a better person" Allison said and I nodded in agreement. "Allison, I love you. So if you need to do that thing where we talk about me and pretend like we're not actually talking about you, it's totally fine" Lydia said and I giggled "but, I don't want a boyfriend. I want a distraction." Lydia added whilst looking down the hall, Allison and I looked in the direction she was looking where we saw two boys who looked very, very alike. "Brothers?" Allison asked. "Twins" I corrected her.

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