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The next day in econ, Scott and Stiles were looking very proud of themselves. We were waiting for coach to come out of his office when he shouted "son of a bitch!" Causing the whole class to laugh "mischief night, Devils night, I don't care what you call it, you little punks are evil, you think it's funny every Halloween my house gets egged, a mans house is meant to be a castle, mines a freaking omelet" Coach said,he turned to his desk when he saw a pink box "oh this, we're going to do this again, I don't think so" coach said and dropped it to the floor and there was a smash, he bent down to the floor and picked up a piece of paper and opened it "happy birthday, love from Greenberg" he mumbled and I giggled.

Lydia was waving her arms around like she was swatting something, I was about to speak up when Danny dos it for me "what are you doing?" He asked "there is a fly" she replied, I didn't see a fly, there was nothing, I couldn't hear any buzzing either.

After class we were in the hall with Isaac, Allison, and stiles and saw the Sheriff. Stiles ran after his dad and I saw my dad walk past ah shit this isn't going to go well "how do we get down to the basement, I need to know where every entrance is, I don't want anyone coming in or out of the school" he said to the deputy's behind him, oh god.

Stiles found us again and we walked away from the crowds in the hall. "Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes he said those exact words?" Isaac asked as we walked down the stairs "yeah, and nobody knows how he woke from anaesthesia, all they know it that when they opened him up there was a tumour full of live flies, and in under any other circumstance that would be all kinds of awesome" stiles said and we stopped at the bottom of the steps "did you say flies?" Lydia asked as she caught up to us "Lydia?" I asked "all day I have been hearing this sound it's like buzzing" Lydia said "like the sound of flies?" Allison asked "exactly like the sound of flies" Lydia replied.

We walked back up to the main hall to find Scott. I was with Lydia and Isaac when we saw him "the police are leaving, why are they leaving?" Lydia asked "the police?" Scott asked "they must've cleared the building and grounds which means he's not here" stiles said "he has to be here, the buzzing I've been hearing, it's getting louder" Lydia said "how loud" I asked and she squeezed her eyes shut.

I stayed with Scott because mom was bringing Barrows clothes so that Scott could get a scent, we walked around the corner and saw her and walked towards her "you got it?" Scott asked and took the bag from her "promise me you'll be careful, I looked right in this guys eyes and it was terrifying, and keep you're sister safe, she's not like you" my mom said and I hugged her "yeah mom I promise" he said and kissed her forehead, she kissed my cheek and Scott and I ran back around.

"You need to go with Lydia okay?" Scott said I nodded "please be safe" I replied "always baby sis" he finished and kissed my forehead, I turned around to find Lydia waiting for me, we're going to sit in one of the unused classrooms to wait until the school day is over, Allison has one of her mini cross bows so she's good, Isaac is a werewolf so he's good and stiles has Scott so they're all good.

About an hour in the fire alarm went off and Lydia and I ran out to see Scott, Isaac and Aiden "we didn't find anything" Aiden said "not even a scent" Scott said "well it's three o clock, if there was a bomb wouldn't he have set it off by now?" Stiles asked "does that mean everybody's safe" Aiden asked "I don't know, I just, I don't know" Lydia said and we all sighed. Isaac took me home, so we could chill after today's events, Mr Yukimura invited Scott over for dinner for saving Kira from Malia.
Isaac and I literally spent the whole night watching Netflix and making out and maybe something more but you know I don't kiss and tell.

I left my bedroom for like two minutes and the lights began to flicker and soon they went out. I hate the dark, especially when I'm on my own. "Isaac" I shouted but I heard a thud "Isaac?!" I shouted again running up the stairs I heard him scream "Isaac what's going on?" I shouted whilst attempting to open the door, once I finally got it open he was on the floor shaking and freezing "Isaac what happened" I asked whilst cupping his cheeks "oh my god you're freezing" I said and grabbed my phone from my pocket "baby you're going to be f-fine okay?" I said whilst dialling Allison "ally, I don't know what to do, tell your dad or something he's freezing and shaking" I said shaking down the phone trying to explain to Allison "Dais my dad said you need to turn him, dais do whatever you can" she said "I'll call you after" I said and hung up "Isaac you need to turn, get angry, think of your dad locking you in the freezer, Isaac turn" I shouted and he wouldn't, I grabbed my huge algebra text book and hit him across the face with it. His fangs grew and he shot up.
"Did you see them?" He asked "who?" I asked whilst cupping his cheek "there were five of them, they wore black, I couldn't see their faces they were covered" he said whilst shaking "what do you mean, like a mask?" I asked " one of them I could see his eyes, they were greenish yellow, like a firefly, it was like they came out of the shadows" he said and I pulled him into a hug and rocked him back and forth. "DAISY?!" I heard my name being called and the front door opened "UPSTAIRS!" I shouted back and Allison and her father appeared at my bedroom Isaac said the said thing to them "dad do you know what that means?" Allison asked "I'm not sure, look you three I need you to keep this quiet for a few hours" her dad said "from everyone?" Isaac sniffles "they could've killed him" I said "but they didn't, and I think there was a reason why" Chris said. Allison and her father left not long after, I'm not leaving Isaac alone, I made up a hot water-bottle and I made him some tea and went back up to bed, it didn't take long for him to fall asleep, it was horrible, seeing him so vulnerable, I hated it. I love him I can't see him like this.

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