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-Ashton's POV-

This hurt a lot. There was no hope in her being mine now. I wish that Michael really was too stupid to not take Nicole back, but he isn't and she loves him.

"Ash, you ok mate?" Luke said.

"Ya perfectly fine" I breath and stand up to go to my room.

-Nicole's POV-

Michael and I have been laying down in bed for at least an hour now. He finally went to sleep and I need to get a drink of water. I slip out of Michael's grip, and silently walk out the door. While I was walking down the hallway, I heard small sobs coming from Ashton's room.

"Ash, are you all right" I say softly as I peek my head through his door. All I hear is more sobs. I walk in and turn on the lights. Ashton is sitting cris-cross on his bed. I walk up and sit the same way in front of him.

"What's wrong, Ash" I say softly while putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I have no one" he simply says.

"What do you mean, you have me, Michael, Luke, and Calum, and any other family" I reason
"No you have Michael, Calum and Luke are closer, and I hardley see my family" he argues.

"Just because we are closer to someone else, doesn't mean that we aren't there for you" I say.

-Ashton's POV-

She doesn't understand. I want someone that I can be close too, someone I can tell anything and everything to. I want Her.

"I love you, I need you" I say quietly.

"Ash, I love you to death, I would literally die for you, but I love you as family and one of my best friends" she says.

"I know, it hurts so much. I want to hurt myself" I blurt the last part out and pull out a knife.

"Well your not doing that with out me" she whispers and pulls out one of her many pocket knives.

"Yes I am. You are not doing this for me" I say sternly.

"I'm not doing it for you. You aren't the only one that hurts. I hurt so damn much, I have considered suicide very resently" she says.

"Nicole, you aren't doing it" I say as I start to panic.

"I'm doing it if you are" she says.


"Because, I would do anything for you" she says quietly.

"This is stupid neither of us are doing this" I say and put the knife down.

"Good" she says and puts her pocket knife away. "I know other ways to get rid of pain" she smiles and walks out. She soon comes pack with two six packs of beer.

"Lets go out for a while" she smiles and walks towards the window. While Nicole is putting the beers in a backpack, Luke walks in.

"Where are you guys going"

"Out, wanna come with?" Nicole asks.

"Ya sure" he says and gets his shoes.

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