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-Luke's POV-

"Wait start from the beginning" I say confused. I was already scared because I could smell the achohol on her and I knew it was awkward for her to be around Michael.
"Ok so Zayn got mad at me for asking why he said sorry to me, and I said somethings and did somethings that probably hurt him and then I left and called you" she says.
"What, hold on first, Why are you out here and not in london" I say trying to understand everything.
"Well my mum is after me and probably will try to kill me when she finds me" she says. U decide to just go on with my questions.
"Ok so who is this Zayn guy and what happened to Matt" I say.
"Well I think you know Zayn Malik and Matt abused me and I left" I was shocked.
"What the- your with Zayn Malik" I yell waking Michael.
"Ya well I was" she said with a frown.
"On so now tell me exactly how the argument started and everything until now" I say.
"Ok so Zayn and I got drunk, and then we we re in bed. And then he said sorry for some reason. And he snapped at me and I did stuff and then I called you" I could tell she left out a lot of details. I looked over at Michael who looked upset and I knew why.
"Yell me exactly what both of you said and did during the argument" I say.
"Ok so when he said sorry, I said for what and he was like nothing don't worry about it. And I kept pushing it. And then he said to stay out of his life. And I said I was never attached to him or anyone else. And then he grabbed my arm And wouldn't let go and I pulled a knife out on him. And then I called you" she explained. I knew Nicole would do smething stupid like that, but say you never cared about someone and then take out a knife on them is pretty bad. Michael looked upset.
"I need to go to the bathroom" he anounced.
"You can't just tell someone that you love that you don't care about them" I say once I thought maichael had left. But right after I said that I heard Michael crying. Nicole walked around the corner to where Michael was sitting.

-Michael's POV-
I hated the thought of Nicole being with someone else. She hurt me a long time ago but I still love her. I never got over her. I never dated anyone else. She on the other hand seemed to get over me easily. O hated this conversation from the start but when I heard what Luke said, I lost it. Nicole saw me and say down with me. Even when she first walked in this house, I could see the guilt in her eyes.
"What's wrong" she asks, even though I know that she knows what's wrong. I just shake my head. She scoots closer to me and wraps her tiny arms around me.
"I'm going to give you two some space" Luke says walking away.
"It's ok, Michael. Don't cry, please. You know it messes with my heart" she says quietly, resting her chin on my head. I hug her back and just nod.
"Wanna whatch a movie" she asks suddenly.
"Ya let's go" we stand up and walk to the couch and I flip through cannles, trying to find something to whatch.
"Nooooo" she yells when a clown movie comes on. She flips off the couch as I change the cannle again. I run over to her and help her up. We end up laughing until she has to hold her ribcage. We put on 21 jump street and calm down. But that was kinda hard since we were both tired and a laughing mess, even to the smallest jokes. She ends up falling asleep towards the end of the movie. She was curled up next to me. I carry her up to my room and set her on the bed. It really wasn't hard to carry her, she felt like She only weighed 80 pounds. She woke up when I tried to cover her up.
"Hey" she says.
"Hey. You wanna change?" I ask.
"I don't have anything to wear" she says.
"I'll grab something" I say walking to my dresser. I picked up a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. I turned around while she changed. When she was done I saw that the boxers were overly large for her and the shirt was baggy. I already expected that though l, she was so tiny.
"Thanks" she said. "Wait, where are you sleeping" she asks.
"Umm either on the couch" I say pointing to the plush cair behind me. "Or in another room"
"No, I will sleep on the chair, you sleep in the bed" She argues.
"No Nicole"
"Michael..." she trails off."Ok but only because I don't want to argue" she says laying in the bed.
After a while she fell asleep. I say down I'm the bed with her and soon laid down. When she felt me lay down she wrapped her arms around my stomach. I knew this was so wrong, but yet it felt so right. I could feel her smile against my back. She must be half asleep and think I'm Zayn. Or does she know it's me?

Ok so that was fun. I'm going to write two chapters today so be prepared. This next chapter is going to be CRAZY. Shout out to...OfficialGigiHadid

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